{Koopa} Mirage



3 months, 16 days ago


Self-proclaimed "Ultimate machine of the cosmos!"

-A space faring machine who was built by an unknown creator, even Mirage is unaware of his origins. 

-He only recalls the purpose he was programmed with, to cause destruction across the galaxies and their planets.

-Through his travels and conquests he was met with a foe that he believes is his only rival and nemesis, Rosalina.

-He harbors a deep hatred and jealousy towards Rosalina. He hates that she can easily deter his attacks and it only grows when he realizes just how easily she beats him. Over the years he's grown envious and jealous of her when he sees the Lumas love and dote on her like she was their queen, (why can't he have that?) And upon seeing just how high tech and powerful her ship was.

-While smart and cunning Mirage can be quite dense and simple minded when it comes to wanting attention and receiving it. It's not rare for him to kidnap Lumas, thinking that the 'simple minded' (in his own words) star folk would bow and dote on him like they do the space princess. But this never happens and it leads to a lot of anger and disappointment. Maybe it's because he's spent so long alone that he can't understand social cues or understand that his actions just make them mote resentful of him.

-His shell spikes can launch and explode like missiles. They are instantly replaced until he reaches a phase where he needs to recharge on order to produce them again.

-He must be careful about how much energy he uses at a time. Too much energy can lead to him powering down unexpectedly in order to recharge. A complete system overload has the chance of his programs to activate his 'Entropy Protocol'.