
2 months, 16 days ago

Basic Info






anima, sharkling






february 3


sounds like coming from underwater

sexual orientation:

bisexual, asexual






- Appearance -

Luke is a anima. stars specifically a shark anima. Star has a light orange complexion and stars skin looks a little sickly. Luke has light green hair with darker roots. Stars hair is same colored as stars tail. Stars under hair is black and goes into braids that hang on stars shoulders. Tip of the braids are same color as the light green hair. 

On stars head, Luke wears a greyish large hood. This hood is very comfy and protects stars head from the sun. From the hoods edges hangs little yellow stars. These stars are seen throughout his outfit, such as on stars shirt and leg warmers. Stars eyes are green as stars hair and the pupil is star shaped and yellow.

Luke prefers to be comfortable, but really likes fashion. Star wear a big big oversized sweater with black edge around the neck. The sweater is like a short dress and covers stars upper body completely. Luke wears black shorts which are also a little bit too big on star. But that's exactly what star likes. Star likes it when stars clothes colors match with each other. Stars very particular about stars color choices. Everything needs to look good together.

On stars legs Luke wear green comfy leg warmers. These has big yellow stars on them. Star really likes everything that has to do with sky such as blue and star motifs. That's probably where stars pronouns come from. Luke doesn't wear shoes or sock because star likes to feel the ground beneath stars legs. This grounds star and gives comfort.

- Personality -

Luke is absolutely and extrovert. Star loves to spend time with other creatures. Star had a good childhood, which makes it easier to star to talk about stars feelings and emotions. Star has couple of good friends, but gets a long with everyone on stars class. Luke likes to talk about everything, stars interests other creatures interests and everything that makes star happy. Star also likes to sing and dance and does so when star's comfortable with the surroundings.

Luke is a stargender and uses neopronouns. Star realized this when star startef to like sky and space things as a young sharkling. Star has stars own telescope which star uses to looks at the stars, sky and planets. Luke's particularly interested in the life in the space. Star believes in different worlds and realities and would like to build a ship and travel to the different dimensions