nimble's Comments

Can I offer for this chara.?

feel free to!

I have a few chara.'s that I'd be willing to refresh them give you, if you'd like a custom I can do that, or if you're interested in my art I'm able to draw almost anything you want :)

(The characters that I'd be able to give a little update are in This folder! The art is outdated, but I have better examples on my profile.)

yo mama 

ab paypal : O

wahh tysm <33 !! send the money on over to [email protected] and will transfer them on over once money i sent <3

is it alright if you wait a bit? my voucher us not online rn aa im so sorry 😭😭

yes thats fine dw :oo !!

i think they paid? : D lmk if you havent gotten it tho!

yupyup got it tysm :3 !!

1 Replies