FAV FOR FAV's Comments

Faved 15! Could you do these? Ty! ^^

sorry for late reply, i faved them

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i faved that guy and some of the ones in the link :)

This user is not visible to guests.

Faved 5!! You can fav characters from this folder if you are okay with content these characters profiles include!! (it might be triggering) 

faved them all, and there was no issue for me but thanks for the warning regardless :)

tysm! :>

Faved 7. Could you fave characters from here? Tysm!

i faved some of them, let me know if you wanted me to favorite more

Faved all of them except the ads! Could you favorite my IC and anyone else you like in my profile?

i faved them :) let me know if you want more faves


i faved both :)

Faved 14 🫶 Feel free to fav whoever you want here ^^

thanks :) i favorited all of yours except the market characters. have a good day :D

Tyyy 🫶