StarPuncher's Comments

Can I offer art?

WOWA your art is cool as hell!! Do you think you could do 2 fullbodies or a full and a bust? Wouldnt wanna overwork you, so if thats too much to ask lmk !

Hi!! Thank you so much! I was immediately drawn to your adopt because it’s so cute and cartoony and would work well in my style! I have no problem doing 2 FBs for you!

Awesome!! Thank you so much!!

For the first one, could you draw Penny? 

notes for Penny:

Shes very expressive with her movements, prances around alot! but is quite limited with her facial expressions

And the second, can you draw Cable? 

notes for Cable:

Theres alot of notes on his code so if you need help drawing him you can look there, but for basic stuff, he has really bad RBF and can also be pretty flexible when it comes to posing

If youd have trouble drawing either, lmk! Also if you need specific info on what expressions of poses are needed, dont be afraid to ask :D Sorry that this is alot xd

Hi!! I’m still very much interested in this design! I’m just super slammed with work atm! I will try to get these art pieces out this weekend! Thank you so much for being patient with me

No worries at all, i totally get it!! Take all the time you need, thank you for communicating!! Very excited to see whenever you finish :D

4 Replies