
4 months, 6 days ago


Obtained January 20 2023

When you came to the mountains, you were expecting to find one Cosmo Cat. You found five. And they were all arguing with each other. Like, they were at each others throats. You break up the fight, cautiously asking what happened. "..These cats from the plains came in boasting about how much better it was than the mountains. I think the mountains are just fine." You can hear the anger slipping through the cats voice as they speak. "It's freezing! The plains is so much better! Clearly you've never been there." A cat you assume to be from the plains speaks up, biting back at the other feline. "Everyone knows how creepy the plains are. How do you sleep at night knowing flower-zombie cats roam freely?" "Those are MYTHS." "Don't think so." You sigh. These cats aren't going to come to a peaceful conclusion. So.. You tell the cats that whoever lasts the longest in the dunes is from the best location. The cats take you up on that challenge, willing to prove how much better their area is. No one wins.

- Short Fur

- Short Ears

- Long Tail

- Pale Fur

- Connected Body

- Slit Pupils

- Floppy Ears Mutation