Eryn / Tyriel Amastacia



3 months, 13 days ago


Eryn Amastacia is a young elf with a fiery personality and a pyromancer. She has, somewhere in her lineage, draconic blood where she gets her scales. In D&D 5e, Eryn is traditionally a Fire Draconic Sorcerer, though there are AUs where she can be others such as Divine Soul or even bleed over into Archfey Warlock.

Tyriel Amastacia is Eryn's adult version. As per elven custom, she chose the name Tyriel as her adult name. While her fiery personality does not burn quite as hot, it still exists. In D&D 5e, Tyriel was blessed with the Gift of Correllon and is able to switch her physical gender during a long rest, though she is usually found in her female form. She is primarily a Bladesong Wizard though she also has levels in Oath of Vengeance Paladin with Sehanine Moonbow as her deity.

Do not get on her bad side.

OC by ShadowSaiph

Icon by iPead on deviantArt