🌷┊Kikyo Taylor-Lee



3 months, 9 days ago


Kikyo Taylor-Lee

name: Kikyo Taylor-Lee
nickname(s): Kiki
job: Repro. Specialist
kingdom: Tulip
orient.: Lesbian
gender: Cis Woman
age: 23 years
birthday: March 14th

Camellia japonica, known as common camellia, or Japanese Camellia, is a species of Camellia, a flowering plant genus in the family Theaceae. There are thousands of cultivars of C. japonica in cultivation, with many colors and forms of flowers.


Chipper Energetic Childish

Emotional Loud Well-spoken

Charismatic Abrupt Distractable


Children, Lily Culture, Cold Weather, Bees, Tea


Spring, Ants, Swimming, Weeds, Rude People


Reading people, Cheering others up, Optimistic, Durable, Fun


Easily flustered. Fearful, Easy to Bribe, Makes bad decisions, Gambling

Kikyo is a gentle spirit, often described as childlike. She loves to care for others rather than herself and is almost always seen playing with children. She's almost always happy and just sees nothing wrong with life in general. She can get super emotional, even over little things, so watch out for that. Along with her being energetic and childish, she's very loud. Not in the screaming and yelling way, she just tends to over exaggerate things and can be clumsy. Despite all of this she's very intelligent and well spoken, she knows how to act professionally and has no trouble doing so. Her charismatic part of personality help deal with children and reassure expecting parents. She is one to often visits seedlings without parents so they won't feel so lonely. She wants to adopt someday, but doesn't feel she is ready for such a responsibility yet, at least not alone.

I. seed
Kikyo's history starts with her parents. Her Mother, Sakura Lee, was a Tea Shop Owner in the Lily Kingdom, nothing too big, just a small shop with exotic teas. Her Father, Markus Taylor, was a traveling tradesman who started trade with Kikyo's mother. After several transactions and getting to know each other they began to date. It was only a few weeks late they got married. Everyone said it was young love and that it was perfect. They started the process to have a child and were so excited to get their little girl. For the next five years, things were great. Kikyo stayed with her mother while her father did business and such.
II. sprout
But unfortunately, goods things don't always last. Sakura was getting tired of her husband always away on business. It wasn't that she couldn't take care of Kikyo, she did that quite well. It was just she missed him a lot. Sometimes he'd be gone for months doing his work. Markus could feel this, but this job was his life and dream. He wasn't one to just stay in one place. He offered Sakura to travel with him, but she couldn't leave her family and tea shop behind like that. The couple ended up spending less and less time together.
Eventually, when Kikyo was seven years old, her parents divorced. The spark they had when they first met was no longer there and they needed to move on. The worked the divorce out civilly for Kikyo, they both loved her very much. They decided on a joint custody where every year she would spend that year with another parent. Kikyo liked the idea of this, she didn't completely understand everything that was going on but was glad she'd still get to be with both of her parents.
III. budding
She spent the first year with her father, having pretty much spent the first seven with her mother. The whole thing was like an amazing adventure. It was the first time she's ever left the Lily Kingdom, she got to see so many new things all at once, it was almost too much for her little mind. It was also nice she got to spend more time with father, which didn't happen much before. Her father taught her a lot about trade and how to deal with people. She was an earnest child eager to learn so she did her best to listen.
Through the years, she made a lot of friends in different Kingdoms and even one saw a royal in person! They were doing a small business transaction with her dad and she was told to stay outside, but she snuck a peek from the window. She made a best friend in Daisy and learned how to make tea from her mother. When she was around 15 she began studying so she could be a reproduction specialist. She just loved children and the thought of helping others bring more into the world was a wonderful thought to her. When she turned eighteen she was given some options on what to do...
IV. blooming
Where did she want to live and do with her life? Her mother wanted her to live in the Lily Kingdom and take over her Tea Shop some day; while her father wanted her to go into his line of work so they could work together. But the choice was hers and they weren't going to pressure her to do anything. After some thinking, Kikyo decided she was going to settle in her favorite Kingdom, the Tulip Kingdom. There she was going to get her dream job and help others. The both respected her wishes and helped her get started.

  • Often visits her mother in the Lily Kingdom
  • Is great at making tea.
  • Really really good at chess.
  • Has a little gadren she tends to.

  • Lots of Lily Clothing; Sent from her mother who always picks out clothing for her.
  • Assorted Bric-a-Brac; Her room is filled with trinkets from her younger days of travel.
  • Hairpins; She has several of them.
  • Friends' Pictures; She always keeps pictures of her friends across the Kingdoms with her.
  • Candies; Always has some candies with her for when she visits the seedlings.

design notes


5'0" ft.


95 lbs

Japanese Camellia

Bees are so fuzzy and bumbly!
