Derrick Cinders



5 years, 10 months ago



Name Derrick Cinders
Called N/A
Age 24
Gender cis male
Height 5'4"
Sexuality aro ace
Birthday December 23
Occupation bookstore employee
Species human
Demeanor shy & somewhat pessimistic
Alignment neutral good


  • animals
  • mysteries & conspiracies
  • hikes
  • plants


  • conflict
  • demanding people
  • some insects




Derrick was born with the ability to see ghosts with his right eye. He can also communicate with them if he desires.

Empathic Echoes

The ability to emotionally receive and send glimpses of memories, or mental imagery associated with certain emotional states current or past. It's hard to get a grasp of, especially if not desired by the person who possesses the ability.


Derrick can create and use healing auras. Depending on the strength, they can heal anything from minor injuries to even bringing back things on the brink of death.

Fire Manipulation

The power to shape and manipulate fire. Derrick's fire magic takes the form of blue flames. These blue flames are highly destructive and occur during extreme anger or distress. Although powerful, he can't really control it. He's not much of a fighter in the first place either.


A reluctant mage who would like to simply lounge about with his cats and enjoy slow days at the shop. Fearful of his own power, Derrick himself likes to avoid using magic.


As the son of a witch corrupted by magic, it was decided that Derrick would be raised on Earth instead of his birth mother's realm, Kyraiasis, by The Veil's High Council. His human father wanted no part in anything from his short relationship- he was too scared of the discovery of magic and other realms and vehemently denied any plans that involved him being in Derrick's life. This didn't bother The Veil, as they had decided that Dimas Badhr, a Hellhound who works for them stationed on earth, would be the one to raise the child. Much to the Hellhound's anger, he found himself an unexpected father instead of a promotion.

Dimas viewed taking care of Derrick as a chore and refused to acknowledge any parental feelings he was growing for the boy - This didn't last for long. Dimas accepted that he had latched onto caring for Derrick within weeks, and did the best he could as a single father.

Derrick grew up as normal as a kid with great magic potential whose dad's true form was a demon dog from Hell could. Knowing how his mother ended up, Derrick prefers to not be reliant on his magical abilities. In his middle and early high school years, it was rare to get him to perform magic outside of Dimas and others from The Veil teaching him. If he had to, the only magic he used were ones that heal or bring life (and even then, he would only do it for his plants and for animals). Dimas had tried getting him to budge just a little for the longest time to no success. Thankfully, there's no conflict because of it, Dimas is perfectly fine with letting Derrick take as long as he needs. Derreck was stubbon and adamant about barely using magic.

This changed in the summer between his sophomore and junior years of high school. Dimas started having Derrick accompany him or Zinnia to higher level missions, and the timid pacifist route was not cutting it. Derrick, with the help of others, had let go of his anxieties about his own magic. He was able to thrive without withholding his magic anymore, and it was liberating. He now jokingly tells Dimas that he should've pushed him harder, but Derrick does appreciate how patient his father was.

In his high school years, he and Cameron Mae had a brief romantic relationship that ended up not working out. To their amusement, they found themselves working things out and being a lot more comfortable being friends. The two still greatly care about each other from a non-romantic standpoint, and Derrick appreciates Cam being fine with him not being as wild as the cambion is.

Derrick currently works at a bookstore and "phony" supernatural shop owned by Dimas. Behind locked doors and hidden rooms and floors, are real supernatural items for supernatural beings and humans who practice magic.


Derrick is one of those people who look more on the negative side of things, but he appreciates being around optimistic people and likes surrounding himself with those who enjoy his quiet presence. He's very quick to catch onto new knowledge, whether it's something learned in lessons or that he's picked up on from other people. His silence is more of he's observing others and relaxing in listening to them rather than being paralyzed with anxiety despite his shy nature. Derrick just genuinely enjoys the quiet. It's easy to get him out of his shell more if you're someone he sees close to him.

Although he hated using magic in the past, he truly thrives in his element now that he doesn't fear his own power. He'll kindly use his magic for anyone in need. Derrick's glad that he's let go of his fears. While he still holds some concerns, control over his magic is one thing that Derrick holds great confidence in.

It's hard to deal with paranoia and anxiety when you have literal spirits who like and will try talking to you once they realize you can see and hear them clearly. This ability became more refined as he grew older, and it made dealing with his regular, mundane fears even more stressful. Derrick's accepted that this is just something that he deals with and is a lot better at handling it than he was in high school. Those close to him and his cats help him out with being more relaxed.


  • his human side is Filipino
  • his purple coat outfit might make him seem a bit out of place, his excuse is that it fits the vibe of where he works
  • some spirits have tried possessing him, so far, none have been successful
  • his two cats are Dreamsicle, an orange Norweigan Forest Cat, and Oreo, a ghost of an unknown breed



Dimas Badhr [ guardian/father ]

Dimas was decided to be Derrick's parental guardian by The Veil's high council. While one of Derrick's parents originated from another realm, it was seen fit for him to be raised on Earth. The two are very close and Derrick unashamedly calls Dimas his father.


Cameron Mae [ best friend/ex-boyfriend ]

A cambion who enjoys partying. In his high school years, he and Derrick had a brief romantic relationship that ended up not working out. To their amusement found themselves working things out and being a lot more comfortable being friends.


Flannery Hertz [ friend ]

A person of slight annoyance turned friend from another realm. They enjoy telling each other stories from their respective worlds.


Juno Castille [ godmother/aunt ]

Juno proclaimed herself as Derrick's godmother and best aunt when she first learned of him. She also took care of him in the early weeks of Dimas' care when the Hellhound couldn't have been bothered. Growing up, Derrick spent a lot of his time in the museum Juno works at while Dimas was busy on investigations or missions.

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