Clay Atticus Morrison



6 years, 1 month ago


Name Atticus
Gender Male
Race Crysalter
Height 173 cm
Role Leader
Location District NY3
Sexuality Asexual
Status Alive?
You have no idea what you're up against

He's intimidating and quiet. Atticus is a very serious person and can be quite rude and have a hard time trusting other people (he's paranoid). He's rather patient but if you talk to him with an attitude or won't listen he gets really short tempered. Atticus tries to not show any kind of emotion, even facial expressions. Some people almost thinks he isn't even human and doesn't have any feelings at all. He's also very mysterious and secretive. Atticus decided to secretly start an organisation called SMSO or SMS Organisation (Saving-Mutations-Secret-Organisation) with a few other crysalters he picked very specifically, Including; Atticus himself, Ethan, Preston, Ajay, Lynn and Xing. The point of the organisation is to try and help the mutations living outside the walls, helping them with food, clothes and eventually try to get them to live inside the districts with everyone else. The government can however not under any circumstances now about this and they have to be really sneaky about it.

Atticus mostly focused on a mutant civilization that wasn't far from the walls that surrounded the district, they called themselves the Warehouse Outsiders with a mutant named Gordy as leader. They rather quickly started to work together and help eachother, but not in the way Gordy thought. Atticus plan wasn't to save the mutants, but to destroy them, together with the other crysalters. Because even if he was mutated himself he couldn't stand crysalters, nor mutants so he was planning to get rid of all of them. But his plan failed when Gordy started to become suspicious.