


3 months, 20 days ago


  Catalyst  - info page is a wip!-

  name  Catalyst
  age  25
  gender  Female
  pronouns  She/her
  species  Fire Ghoul (demon)
  residence  Ghoul Den
  orientation  Pansexual
  theme  Ghost B.C? T-T

Story summary
  •    Catalyst was summoned originally by Papa IV to work in the Church's library. Her fiery attitude and determination to play guitar alongside the band plus her friendship with Sodo (they don't like to call themselves friends- they're assholes- duh-) caught Papa's attention and she was welcomed after a previous ghoul stepped down.

Notes when drawing Catalyst
  •  Catalyst has some very definitive facial features that I would like to be drawn accurately. If you have difficulty drawing her face, please do not hesitate to ask me for reference images. 
Her Guitar <3
|| ||
"a quote here, if you want. box will grow, but one line is ideal."


art by Areggo

no specific warnings

character's backstory goes here. box will scroll, so write as much as you want and add as many sectionas as you want to!

Viverra, consequat tortor egestas elit neque vehicula pellentesque turpis vitae conubia congue duis. Ullamcorper integer nulla class metus class metus at accimsan.


content warning, content warning

Elit parturient ut adipiscing. Integer vestibulum sem, odio vel facilisis molestie neque. Semper. At condimentum congue conubia tortor rutrum class convallis. Sociis hac blandit eu facilisi adipiscing dictumst parturient ornare montes neque tortor platea inceptos hymenaeos faucibus varius condimentum parturient.

Imperdiet lobortis penatibus sollicitudin quam placerat a. Vel sed, faucibus faucibus praesent Duis litora morbi phasellus consectetuer aliquet class ornare.


content warning

Parturient. Morbi nullam praesent vulputate inceptos mauris cubilia lorem pharetra proin dignissim non ipsum senectus ac id litora justo risus.

Congue luctus risus habitasse, nunc posuere. Nascetur non feugiat purus montes mus dictum elit tristique lobortis proin neque pede ullamcorper lobortis sodales. Imperdiet mus condimentum dolor eu facilisis natoque dictum.

Sodomizer Ghoul


While they are in a romantic relationship, this is not shared publicly. They are very close, and present themselves as friends around the other ghouls. They do lost of things together, but they don't like to do romantic activities often and typically just hang out in one of their dorms in the ghoul den, or in the garden. Sodo is the only ghoul that Catalyst feels comfortable confiding in, and Sodo also feels the same about catalyst.

Rain Ghoul


While Rain Ghoul is romantically attracted to Catalyst, he knows that he runs a high risk of loosing his friendship with her if he does anything about it. Catalyst likes to practice songs with Sodo and Rain at small hangouts. Catalyst is completely aware of Rain's feelings towards her, but continues to act clueless because she knows Rain would be completely emotionally destroyed by knowing Catalyst does not reciprocate those feelings and is instead in a relationship with Sodo. Rain often confides in Sodomizer and Catalyst despite being extremely different from them personality wise. Their friendship dynamic is very odd, but they do enjoy being around each other.


relationship type

Suscipit interdum iaculis suspendisse sociosqu ultrices habitant donec ridiculus morbi nulla. Gravida imperdiet. Aliquam eleifend laoreet tortor. Morbi torquent natoque.

"another quote here, if you want."

She's very self-reliant and determined. she does indeed unironically call herself a girlboss (the other ghouls laugh at her for it, specifically Sodo ofc cause he's just a dick). 

She doesn't tend to show romantic feelings outwardly but she will do small things to allude to her feelings- it's hard to get her to admit to it unless the feelings are overwhelming her to the point  that he's just dying. 

She is a very sexual demon, it's just what she's been taught and how she feels. While she was in hell she was often called annoying for her behavior in this way. 

while she struggles with her facial appearance, she likes her body and flaunts it. despite outwardly being confident and bitchy, she does struggle with insecurities. The only ghoul she has expressed these feelings to has been Sodo, the two ghouls are very similar and have grown extremely fond of each other since meeting.
