Adam Bailey



2 months, 27 days ago


Name: Adam Bailey

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Position: second-in-command

Appearance: Adam's appearance reflects the harsh realities of his upbringing, bearing the physical marks of a life marred by hardship and struggle. His slender frame, bordering on undernourishment, speaks to the deprivation he endured, his meager muscles a testament to the rigorous training and missions imposed upon him by his leaders. Despite his efforts, he lacks the robust health and vitality of his peers, a stark reminder of the toll exacted by his tumultuous past.

His long, unkempt brown hair and hardened green eyes serve as a visual metaphor for his disheveled existence, a reflection of the neglect and indifference that define his existence. At some point during the story, Adam's hair undergoes a transformation, trimmed back to its original shorter length, though the change does little to soften his rough exterior.

Adam's wardrobe is a patchwork of scavenged garments, a hodgepodge of mismatched pieces acquired through less-than-savory means. While his leader may have provided him with a few basic items in recognition of his deeds, the majority of his attire is pilfered or scavenged, lacking the luxury and refinement afforded to others. His clothes are plain and nondescript, a far cry from the polished ensembles of his adversaries.

Scars crisscross Adam's body like a roadmap of his past, each one a painful reminder of battles fought and wounds endured. He bears the marks of countless skirmishes, his skin etched with the memories of past traumas. Amongst these scars is the telltale absence of a finger, lost to the blade of his leader in a cruel display of dominance. Despite the physical and emotional toll exacted by his past, Adam perseveres, his resilience a testament to the strength that lies within him.

Digimon: Botamon->Wanyamon->Bearmon->Dark Lizarmon->Metal Tyranomon->Mugendramon

Partner’s personality

Wanyamon is a playful and mischievous Digimon, bounding through life with boundless energy and enthusiasm. Their playful nature often gets them into trouble, as they have a tendency to act before thinking. Despite their carefree demeanor, Wanyamon is fiercely loyal to their partner, always ready to leap to their defense at a moment's notice. With a heart as big as their boundless energy, Wanyamon brings joy and laughter wherever they go.

Bearmon embodies the essence of antagonism, fiercely loyal to Adam and adamantly opposed to anyone or anything that threatens his partner. He exudes an air of defiance, unafraid to challenge authority or assert his dominance in any situation. His abrasive demeanor often puts others on edge, as he makes no effort to hide his contempt for those he deems unworthy.

Dark Lizamon is a formidable and cunning Digimon, embodying the darkness that lurks within the shadows. Ruthless and calculating, Dark Lizamon is a master of manipulation, using their charm and guile to bend others to their will. They thrive on chaos and discord, reveling in the turmoil they sow. Despite their malevolent nature, Dark Lizamon is fiercely intelligent and strategic, always one step ahead of their adversaries.

Metal Tyranomon is a towering behemoth of destruction, a relentless force of nature unleashed upon the battlefield. With power coursing through their metallic veins, Metal Tyranomon is an unstoppable juggernaut, laying waste to anything foolish enough to stand in their way. Despite their ferocious appearance, Metal Tyranomon possesses a surprisingly gentle spirit, loyal to their partner and fiercely protective of those they care about.

Mugendramon is a mechanical monstrosity, a fusion of metal and malice forged in the fires of darkness. With a mind as cold and calculating as their cybernetic form, Mugendramon is a master of destruction, capable of unleashing devastation on a massive scale. They are a relentless force of chaos, driven by a singular desire to assert their dominance over all who dare to oppose them. Despite their overwhelming power, Mugendramon is haunted by the echoes of their past, a reminder of the humanity they sacrificed in their relentless pursuit of power.

Relationship with partner

Adam and Bearmon's relationship would be complex and layered, defined by a dynamic interplay of loyalty, antagonism and mutual dependence.

Adam and Bearmon share a bond forged in the crucible of adversity, their relationship rooted in a shared history of struggle and survival. From the moment they first met, Bearmon has served as Adam's unwavering protector, fiercely loyal to his partner and willing to go to any lengths to ensure his safety. In turn, Adam relies on Bearmon as his steadfast companion, the one constant in his tumultuous life.

Despite their deep bond, Adam and Bearmon's relationship is fraught with tension and conflict. Bearmon's antagonistic nature clashes with Adam's own, their personalities often at odds as they navigate the complexities of their partnership. Adam's tendency to act impulsively and without regard for consequences frustrates Bearmon, who values strategy and forethought in their endeavors. Conversely, Bearmon's ruthless pragmatism can chafe against Adam's moral compass, leading to heated disagreements and moments of discord.

Yet, beneath the surface animosity lies a profound sense of mutual respect and understanding. Adam admires Bearmon's unwavering dedication and tenacity, while Bearmon respects Adam's resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Together, they form a formidable team, each complementing the other's strengths and compensating for their weaknesses.

Their relationship is not without its challenges, however. Adam's fear of rejection and abandonment manifests in his reluctance to fully trust Bearmon, keeping him at arm's length emotionally. Likewise, Bearmon's own insecurities and fears of rejection make it difficult for him to open up to Adam fully. Despite these barriers, their bond continues to strengthen as they navigate the trials and tribulations of their shared journey.

In the end, Adam and Bearmon's relationship is a testament to the power of loyalty and resilience in the face of adversity. Though their journey may be fraught with challenges and obstacles, their unwavering commitment to each other ensures that they will weather the storm together, standing side by side against whatever trials may come their way.

Fears: Fear of abandonment or betrayal, stemming from past experiences of loss and betrayal. Fear of being rejected or judged by others, leading to a reluctance to trust or open up emotionally. Fear of losing control, especially in situations where he feels vulnerable or powerless.

Strengths: Resilience and determination in the face of adversity, able to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. Strategic thinking and resourcefulness, able to quickly adapt to new situations and find creative solutions. Courage and bravery, willing to confront his fears and face difficult situations head-on.

Weaknesses: Difficulty letting go of the past, leading to lingering feelings of guilt, regret, or resentment. Impulsiveness and recklessness, leading him to act without fully considering the consequences of his actions. Stubbornness and pride, making it difficult for him to admit when he needs help or to accept advice from others.

Hobbies/Habits: Engaging in adrenaline-fueled activities like extreme sports or dangerous missions to satisfy his need for excitement and challenge. Training with Bearmon to improve their combat skills and abilities. Spending time alone in quiet reflection or meditation to clear his mind and regain focus.

Likes: The companionship of Bearmon and the unwavering loyalty they share, providing him with a sense of security and belonging. The thrill of battle and the rush of adrenaline that comes with facing off against powerful opponents. Solitude and quiet moments of introspection, allowing him to recharge and gather his thoughts.

Dislikes: Being underestimated or dismissed by others, fuelling his desire to prove himself and assert his worthiness. Feeling trapped or confined, whether physically or emotionally, stifling his sense of freedom and independence. Betrayal or dishonesty from those he trusts, shaking his faith in others and causing him to withdraw emotionally.

Personality: Adam is a master of subtlety, preferring to navigate life's complexities with a deft touch and a keen eye for manipulation. His passive demeanor belies a sharp intellect and a shrewd understanding of human behavior, allowing him to influence others without them even realizing it. While he may struggle to forge deep connections with a large group of people, Adam values the bonds of trust he shares with a select few close friends, finding comfort in their loyalty and understanding.

Despite his passive nature, Adam is far from spineless or naive. He harbors a deep-seated fear of going against the indoctrination he endured, hesitant to challenge authority or stand up against wrongdoing for fear of retribution. However, his rebellious spirit smolders beneath the surface, growing stronger with each passing day as he begins to question the oppressive forces that seek to control him.

While Adam may prefer to avoid confrontation whenever possible, he possesses a quiet courage and resilience that belies his unassuming exterior. His insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge drive him to explore new avenues of learning, with cooking emerging as a passion that ignites his soul. Adam's culinary skills are a testament to his street smarts, honed through trial and error and a willingness to adapt to any situation.

Despite his proficiency in the kitchen, Adam remains humble about his talents, viewing cooking as little more than a hobby to be enjoyed in his spare time. His love of baking, in particular, stems from a fondness for sweets, though he finds himself unable to tolerate even the slightest hint of spice. Nevertheless, Adam's culinary creations serve as a reflection of his creativity and ingenuity, a reminder that true strength lies not in confrontation, but in the subtle art of persuasion.

History: Adam's childhood was marked by turmoil and instability, growing up in a home environment rife with tension and discord. His parents' tumultuous relationship often spilled over into their interactions with Adam, leaving him feeling isolated and neglected. Despite their best efforts to provide for him, Adam found himself craving stability and belonging, yearning for a sense of purpose that seemed perpetually out of reach.

Faced with the constant turmoil at home, Adam sought solace in the streets, finding refuge in the anonymity of the city's bustling thoroughfares. It was during one of these excursions that he first encountered the antagonists, a group of Chosen Children who preyed upon the vulnerable and disenfranchised, promising them power and purpose in exchange for their loyalty.

Desperate for a sense of belonging, Adam fell into their clutches, succumbing to their indoctrination and manipulation. Under their influence, he became embroiled in a world of darkness and deceit, his once-innocent nature tainted by the corrupting influence of his new allies.

As the weeks turned into months turned into years, Adam found himself increasingly entangled in the web of lies and deception spun by the antagonists, his sense of self eroded by their relentless indoctrination. Despite his growing misgivings, he found himself unable to break free from their grasp, trapped in a cycle of fear and uncertainty.

It wasn't until the authorities intervened, finally uncovering the truth behind the antagonists' nefarious activities, that Adam's nightmare came to an end. Apprehended by the authorities, he was offered a chance at redemption through community service, a means of atoning for his past mistakes while contributing positively to society.

Now, as he faces the prospect of community service, Adam is determined to seize this opportunity to turn his life around. Though the road ahead may be challenging, he remains steadfast in his resolve to break free from the grip of the antagonists and forge a brighter future for himself.


Max (father, divorced, no longer welcome) - Max is a prejudiced, ambitious and unkind man who was the firstborn of twins and holds a much higher level of regard for his own firstborn. He imposes unfair expectations on his children, particularly Adam, forcing him to shoulder all the household chores and neglecting to acknowledge his younger siblings. Max's narrow-mindedness and favoritism have strained his relationships with his family, leading to his divorce and subsequent estrangement from them.

Grace (mother, nee Winters) - Grace is a serene and compassionate woman, originating from the widely known and respected Winters family. Despite her husband's prejudiced attitudes, she fiercely defends her children and their right to equal treatment. However, she struggles to confront Max due to his silent treatment and the tension it creates in their household. Grace's love for her children is unwavering and she works tirelessly to provide them with love and support, even as a single parent.

Jack (brother, 15, older triplet) - Jack, the older triplet, takes after his father in some ways, with a maverick personality and a tendency to speak in slang. However, he begins to realize the impact of his behaviour on his younger siblings, particularly Adam. Despite his overassertive nature, Jack harbors regrets about the fractured bond between him and his siblings, acknowledging that repairing it may be a daunting task.

Ethan (brother, 15, younger triplet) - Ethan, the youngest triplet, initially feels lost and neglected, overshadowed by his older brother's domineering presence. However, he remains loyal to Adam and seeks to protect Adam and Charlotte from harm. After Adam confronts their older brother about his behaviour, Ethan begins to regain his confidence, though he remains wary of further conflicts within the family.

Charlotte (younger sister, 12) - Charlotte, the youngest sibling, is characterized by her innocence and naivety. Despite her nonverbal learning disorder, she possesses a gentle and trusting nature that often leaves her vulnerable to manipulation. Adam and Ethan feel a strong sense of responsibility to protect her from those who seek to take advantage of her trusting demeanor.