WTA's Comments

Name: Kiska Andrea Callamore(Cal-Ah-More)        
Backstory: She grew up normal. In a healthy, happy family. Until it all went wrong. Her mother was killed when she was 17, barely an adult yet.(mother was 38.) her father, Raphael, had moved her and her brothers out of town, out of state, out of that place. Why you may ask? They were wanted. Wanted by the most famous mafia to be known. Little did she know, her brothers were apart of it. They did everything they could to protect her, until they couldn’t.

She lived a regular life after the move and her mother’s death. Graduating highschool, getting a job, living in her own apartment, just a regular life. Until it wasn’t. The same mafia to kill her mother had found her and taken her, alive(long story short) she became apart of the mafia with her brothers, she trained like them. She never liked the idea, and still don’t. Inside she was still a scared little girl, afraid of the world. She had met a man by the name of Cain Wolf. He never had a soft spot for anyone and certainly didn’t let his emotions show nor get the best of them, until he met her.

Sorry this was all made up in the start, so long story short she is in a mafia, yet still isn’t one of those “bad*ss” girls she’s just scared. She meets a man who takes care of her. Eventually she gets out of the mafia world and dates Cain. More is to come if I get her. I absolutely love her design tbh. Thank you for the opportunity <3

Edit: her personality would eventually grow to be an independent sassy female who isn’t afraid to protect her loved ones. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind and often comes across rude or hateful.

can j claim? id name her fern :) 

Name: Anne| Backstory: A rich girl with a HUGE fortune but when her parents get killed in an car accident she loses EVERYTHING she lives on the rode for 2 years when she later get found by her evil uncle who acted kind and took her in.... his real intention was to lie his way to her fortune... yes anne did not know there was a way to get her fortune back.... what happens next? (I NEED HER AS MY OC!!?!?)

Anatolia Considered a princess magician, with her ability of light magic. She'd be part of my world called Enchanted Oblivion, where the Magicians (humans) were casted out due to not wanting to live with other creatures. She'd be locked away in their new hiding place, her father not wanting the girl to see what he does nor be able to go outside, knowing her curious nature. So Anatolia would have a simple routine, and a hobby of sending particles of lights out her window. But she'd be gathering someone's attention, since they'd live in a village near their hideout and the light particles would reach there. If you interested in the world here it is https://toyhou.se/~world/171235.enchanted-oblivion

I'd loooove to adopt her!! She really does give evil rich kid vibes, but I think I could include her in my danganronpa rp story somewhere, I think she would be the younger sister of the protag or one of the characters who somehow also makes it into the games after being a student at hope's peak! I'd love to create a personality/story for her!