


8 years, 8 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer


Min offer: £95+

⚠️ Important Info:

  • Please only offer in GBP as I'm based in the UK
  • Would prefer offers from people who can pay by bank transfer or Wise (TransferWise) because of exchange rates
  • PayPal only accepted though "friends and family" option
  • Open to working out payment plans for payments over £100 (character won't be transferred until fully paid though)
  • If paying in full, please only offer if you can pay within 24 hours
  • Prices listed are a guide - very willing to accept offers towards the low end of listed price
  • Art can only be offered with GBP
  • Trades can only be offered with GBP
  • Might accept vouchers for other character (I'll prioritise GBP offers over vouchers)
  • Might be willing to haggle on prices but no guarantee
Do not:
  • Offer in USD or other currencies - I live in the UK
  • Offer only art (only considered if you're also offering GBP)
  • Offer trades (only considered if you're also offering GBP or if you have a character I really love)
  • Offer digital currency