Byron Davies



2 months, 29 days ago


Name: Byron Davies

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Position: second-in-command

Sexuality: bisexual

Appearance: Byron stands tall at six foot, his dark skin contrasting with his striking light purple (contacts) eyes. When engaged in combat, his eyes intensify to a deep shade of purple, reflecting his focus and determination. His hair is styled in short dreadlocks, which he often ties back into a ponytail, accentuating his slight build. Byron is frequently accompanied by his pets or can be found lost in the rhythm of his music, his headphones on as he dances to the beat. As for his clothes, he wears a grey shirt and grey pants; they are in better shape than Lily's due to him living underground, but they definitely aren't new anymore. His footwear would be a pair of brown sandals.

Despite his slim frame, there's an underlying strength to Byron that becomes evident when the situation demands it. His face is well-kept and carries a softness that belies the intensity of his gaze. His eyes, sharp and piercing, seem to see right through people, hinting at a depth of perception beyond his years. A small scar on his right cheek serves as a reminder of a past encounter, a defining moment that left its mark both physically and emotionally. He also has an x shaped scar on his chest from an accident that happened while Lily was away.

Digimon: Bommon->Missimon->Commandramon->Hi-Commandramon->Cargodramon->Brigadramon

Partner’s personality

Missimon is a caring and nurturing Digimon, taking on a maternal role within the group. It is empathetic and compassionate, always looking out for the well-being of its allies and offering support whenever needed.

Commandramon is disciplined and focused, embodying the qualities of a loyal soldier. It follows orders without hesitation and takes pride in its duty to protect Bongani and their allies. Commandramon is strategic in battle, analyzing situations carefully before taking action.

Hi-Commandramon retains its disciplined nature but becomes even more formidable in battle. It exudes confidence and authority, leading the charge with precision and skill. Despite its stern demeanor, it cares deeply for its companions and will do whatever it takes to ensure their safety.

Cargodramon is strong and dependable, serving as a steadfast ally in times of need. It is resilient and unyielding in the face of adversity, using its immense strength to protect its friends and overcome challenges. Cargodramon is also known for its resourcefulness, finding creative solutions to problems that arise.

Brigadramon is a noble and valiant warrior, embodying the ideals of honor and courage. It leads by example, inspiring its allies to greatness through its bravery and determination. Brigadramon fights with unwavering resolve, never backing down from a challenge and always standing up for what is right.

Relationship with partner

Byron shares a deep and inseparable bond with his Digimon partner, forged through countless battles and shared experiences. They are not just allies but true companions, understanding each other on a level that transcends words. From their earliest days together, Byron and his Digimon partner have supported each other through thick and thin. They have faced adversity together, relying on each other's strengths to overcome every obstacle in their path.

Byron sees his Digimon partner as more than just a fighting companion; they are like family to him. He trusts their instincts implicitly and values their unwavering loyalty. In turn, his Digimon partner looks up to Byron as a leader and mentor, drawing strength and inspiration from his unwavering determination and courage. Their bond is unbreakable, rooted in mutual respect and a shared sense of purpose. Together, they stand ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, confident in their ability to overcome them as a team.


  1. Fear of losing his loved ones or failing to protect them.
  2. Fear of the unknown and uncertainty about the future.
  3. Fear of being misunderstood or judged because of his heritage.
  1. Empathetic nature, able to empathize with others and offer support and guidance.
  2. Keen intuition and sharp instincts, allowing him to anticipate danger and react swiftly.
  3. Strong sense of determination and perseverance, refusing to give up even in the face of adversity.
  1. Vulnerability to emotional manipulation, especially when it involves threats to his loved ones.
  2. Stubbornness and reluctance to ask for help when needed, preferring to shoulder burdens alone.
  3. Overly self-critical at times, prone to doubting his own abilities and second-guessing himself.
  1. Listening to music, particularly African drumming and traditional melodies.
  2. Writing poetry or journaling as a form of self-expression and reflection.
  3. Exploring nature and enjoying outdoor adventures, appreciating the beauty of the natural world.
  1. Friendship and Loyalty: Byron values genuine connections with others and cherishes loyalty and camaraderie.
  2. Cultural Heritage: He takes pride in his African heritage, embracing its traditions, stories and customs.
  3. Music: Byron has a deep appreciation for various genres of music, finding solace and inspiration in its rhythms and melodies.
  1. Arrogance and Hubris: He dislikes individuals who exhibit arrogance or entitlement, preferring humility and modesty.
  2. Prejudice and Discrimination: Byron has little tolerance for bigotry or injustice, standing up against discrimination in all its forms.
  3. Conflict and Violence: While he is skilled in combat, Byron dislikes unnecessary violence and seeks peaceful resolutions whenever possible.
Personality: Byron shares a deep bond with his Digimon partner, Hi-Commandramon, viewing their relationship as one of mutual respect and camaraderie. He assumes the role of second-in-command to Lily, demonstrating loyalty and dedication to her cause. Despite his elevated position, Byron maintains a calm and laid-back demeanor, coupled with his signature flirty charm.

In his interactions with others, especially girls, Byron exudes confidence and charisma, treating them with utmost respect while occasionally teasing with a playful flirtatiousness. However, he may become bashful when intimacy is involved, revealing a more vulnerable side beneath his confident facade.

With his affable nature, Byron easily befriends both guys and girls, effortlessly navigating social situations and fostering connections within the group. His love for music remains a driving force in his life, aspiring to become a renowned musician while finding solace in singing with his pets.

Despite his easygoing nature, Byron possesses a steely resolve when it comes to protecting those he cares about, particularly his younger sisters, whom he holds in high regard. As second-in-command, he takes his responsibilities seriously, willing to go to great lengths to ensure the safety and well-being of his allies.

History: Byron Davies was born and raised in the vibrant city of Melbourne, Australia, to parents who instilled in him a love for music and a strong sense of cultural heritage. His father, originally from South Africa, and his mother, an Australian native, celebrated their diverse backgrounds, fostering an environment of cultural appreciation and understanding within their home.

Growing up, Byron was exposed to a rich tapestry of musical genres, from traditional African rhythms to contemporary Australian tunes. He quickly developed a passion for music, spending countless hours honing his skills on various instruments and immersing himself in the local music scene.

Despite his love for music, Byron also possessed a natural affinity for technology and digital arts. He excelled in school, particularly in subjects related to computer science and multimedia design, demonstrating a keen intellect and creativity that set him apart from his peers.

However, Byron's life took a dramatic turn when he encountered his Digimon partner, Bommon, during a chance encounter in the digital world. This unexpected meeting sparked a series of adventures that would forever change the course of his destiny.

As Byron embarked on his journey alongside his Digimon companion, he discovered hidden truths about himself and the world around him. Through trials and challenges, he learned the importance of friendship, courage, and perseverance, shaping him into the confident and protective individual he is today.

Despite the dangers that lurked in the digital realm, Byron remained steadfast in his resolve to protect his friends and uphold justice. With his unwavering determination and his trusty Digimon by his side, he faced each obstacle head-on, determined to carve out his own legacy in the digital world.


Isaac (father) - Isaac is a charismatic and outgoing man, originally from Johannesburg, South Africa. He is deeply passionate about his African heritage, instilling in his children a strong sense of cultural pride and identity. Isaac is a talented musician and educator, sharing his love for music and storytelling with his family and community. He works as a music teacher at a local school, where he encourages students to embrace diversity and express themselves through music.

Olivia (mother, nee Turner) - Olivia is a warm and nurturing presence in the Jelani household. Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, she brings a blend of Australian culture and traditions to her family life. Olivia works as a nurse, dedicating herself to caring for others with compassion and empathy. She is a supportive partner to Isaac and a loving mother to their children, always ready to offer guidance and encouragement.

Maya (younger sister, older twin) - Maya is the older of the twin sisters, by a mere five minutes, and shares her father's passion for music. She is a talented singer and songwriter, with a soulful voice that captivates audiences. Maya is outgoing and adventurous, always eager to explore new opportunities and embrace life's challenges. She dreams of pursuing a career in the music industry, following in her father's footsteps.

Leila (younger sister, younger twin) - Leila is the younger twin sister, known for her quiet strength and unwavering determination. She possesses a keen intellect and a love for literature and storytelling. Leila enjoys spending time in nature, finding solace and inspiration in the beauty of the outdoors. She harbors dreams of becoming a writer, using her words to evoke emotion and spark imagination in others.