


5 years, 9 months ago


name: lyra darling

age/birthday: 19, march 1 (pisces)

sexuality/gender: lesbian, trans girl

race: white (valley elf)

voice actor: jameela jamil

appearance: 6'4, long limbed but toned - she has arm muscles and abs from archery. fluffy, bobbed green hair and big green eyes that make her look nervous. really pale, so the harsh burn scar on her right side stands out very much - it goes from her cheek and down her shoulder and arm. keeps her nails clean and trimmed. has cute, pointed ears that are mostly covered by her hair - so most people don't notice. 

personality: quiet and reserved - but not shy.. at least not around men. keeps to herself and more often than not spends her time on her own because she never goes out of her way for company. can be snippy and sarcastic with rude men, but when it comes to women she struggles to speak and has literally ran from them out of nervousness more than once. kind and compassionate, but not a pushover - she's fine with saying no... to men.

likes: archery, books, ancient history, nature magic, being at home

dislikes: men, fire, spicy foods, grease


  • lives among humans now, but she grew up in an elf village tucked between the mountains and had to leave when it was destroyed by raiders. it left her an orphan - she lost her parents and her brother in the fire and was burned on her right side trying to help them.
  • she lives in a cute little cottage given to her by the man who took her in. it's a little far out, but she likes the walk to college every day and the smallness of it.
  • .. her brother might be alive.
  • can read old runes and perform small acts of nature magic - like speeding up plant growth, but nothing more. 
  • she's a real good shot with a bow and arrow.
