Sugarloaf's Comments

Aw cute redesign, whim! Does she happen to be named after Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine? I grew up around that area so the name stood out to me hehe

aw tysm! c: But I just thought it was a cute word pairing! Thats interesting though, there's also a Sugarloaf mountain in Maryland (where i grew up) that i just found out about haha!

I’d love to claim them if still avail!

sure thing! please send payment to [email protected] via paypal and i'll transfer them over, tysm ^_^

should be sent, tysm!! ^^ I saw on your TOS that design edits are okay, does that include specie changes? (have ideas of turning them into an aussie!) just wanted to double check!

got it! thank you so much for the tip i really appreciate it 🥺 that's totally fine, you're welcome to make any changes you like! <3

ofc!! ;; & awesome, tysm for clarifying!! c:

is there any chance you'd consider art? they are sooo cute.. no worries if not!!

aghh i really love the colors on this one ❤️ i wish i could buy!!