Spice Roux



5 years, 10 months ago



Legal Name Marjolaine Roux
Called Spice
Gender Female
Age 17
Orientation Bisexual
Height 5'6
Build Athletic Hourglass
Species Octoling
Weapons Nautilus 79, Gold Dynamo Roller
Team Role Slayer


  • Her independence
  • Cooking and gardening
  • Battling, by ink or by fist
  • Teasing those she cares about


  • Institutional authority
  • Cowardly people
  • Public displays of affection
  • Being disrespected


Spice is an Octarian escapee with a bone to pick with just about everyone. Her father Amphilon was tried as a traitor and made to disappear after trying to take Spice—then Marjolaine— out of the tube-to-battlefield pipeline standard for Battle-class Octolings. Spice spent years under the vassalage of army school leaders, abused by classmates who wanted to signal their loyalty to the Octarian cause. When the original Calamari Inkantation caused a mass defection to the surface, Spice pulled off a daring escape and disappeared into the throng of defectors, having avoided a lifetime of indoctrination.

Spice has lived above-ground ever since, legally sponsored by a certain well-to-do Octoling family. She (reluctantly) attends high school, and earns a modest living working at Grizzco. She also volunteers at Kelp Dome, and as a result has a surplus of produce and herbs at home to experiment with. And of course, when she isn't doing either of those things, Spice is usually doing Ranked Battles. Spice values her independence greatly, preferring to make her own living than depend on the generosity of her sponsor family, but still maintains a close familial relationship with them out of gratitude.

Spice is descended from the Coconut Octopus, which has left her with an unusual quirk: She gravitates towards all things coconut. Coconut water, coconut shampoo, and coconut flakes for cooking are all things that can be easily found in Spice's shared apartment. In her Octo form, Spice has been known to use coconut shells as a shield like her ancient ancestors once did.




Ollie is the only son of the Grimm family, which legally sponsors Spice. Spice has known Ollie since before he gained his human form. He is the only person whose teasing Spice will (mostly) tolerate.



Spice's roommate and frequent battle partner. Having seen Bocki's strength firsthand, Spice has a lot of respect for her...though that doesn't stop Spice from teasing her. Bocki has a huge crush on Spice, but Spice is oblivious to it.



Spice's rival and ex-boyfriend. Their relationship is always in flux, but the one constant is their mutual love of exchanging blows. Though they're constantly fighting one way or another, they seem to genuinely respect each other.