Marshall's Comments

I don't think I will be able to offer so I just wanna say that this design is once again stunning!! Especially love the beard - such a small yet so weightful design element! I guess I have never seen you draw beards before and it looks perfect along with the rest of the characters design!! :D

WAHH THANK UU!!💞💕💞💕💞 Loved drawing the little beard it was very fun lol, tried to do more interesting / different design elements than I usually do >:D

I can offer a characters

 I don’t have money to offer. Sadly to be true 

I wish to have one of your designs, but yeah I’ve just gonna try 

And this one is a lovely design
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Omg such a pretty design have so many lore ideas >:33 Eee I can offer 60$ and a shaded bust + 1-2 character scene 😭 (Bumping money offer :00)

Hi if ur still interested I'll accept this >:0! Feel free to message me here or dm me on insta :D tysm for the offer!!

Alr!! Ill send you message on insta >:33

Uegbhh 20$ (I’m giving into my demons)

edit: 50.50$ and a symmetrical bust😼