


3 months, 13 days ago


恭喜发财. ❞

【 Name 】 None, really.【 Title 】"Jīnshén" (金神) 
【 Age 】 23 years old【 Gender 】 Genderless (they + mirror pronouns)
【 Height 】5' 7" | 1,70 m【 Orientation 】Unsure.
【 D.O.B 】June 6th, 2001 ♊🐍【 Ethnicity 】 East Asian (Chinese)
【 Nationality 】Chinese【 Talent 】 Ultimate Greasepainter*
【 Role/Story 】 Host | Astral Grove【 Playlist 】????

*just a fancier name for theatrical make-up artist. :]

【 Appearance 】
Jīnshén is an averagely tall figure with pale skin and wavy white hair. Their eyebrows are small, round and pointy, and one of their eyes is always smudged with black paint; usually, the right one. The twin moles under their left eye are also painted out to represent the idol they worship, Gemini. Their hair is usually tied in a high ponytail, adorned with a fancy golden hairband. Complementing their polished look, finally, there are their gold earrings, bracelets and anklets, vaguely sun-shaped. Jīnshén is constantly, if not always, seen wearing the same color palette: white, black and, obviously, gold. Their title doesn't come from nowhere, after all. 

【 Personality 】

Jīnshén was a child forged in fire and plated in gold, destined from birth to be loved and admired as the sun itself — it's no surprise then that their personality came out to be a perfect match for the role. They're dependent and naïve, always searching for praise and validation for every step they take and every word they say. Through their lifetime, the Jīnshén shaped their demeanor to be likeable and understanding and, for that reason, they were never someone hard to love, despite having their own natural defects as any normal person would. More than a good listener, the greasepainter is a good speaker, one that is fond of repeating every beautiful word they know and likes to express themself in many artistic ways. They may come off as an arrogant, full-of-themself figure for those who haven't met them yet, but once you get to understand what's behind their words, it's easy to guess why so many people perceive this man as a young god.

Good Traits
Charming, polite, charismatic, easy to please

Bad Traits
Gullible, overly verbose, dependent, dramatic

【 Background 】


【 Other Info 】

- For clarification, "Jīnshén" is not really a name, just a title that it's passed over generations.
- They have mirror pronouns, which means they will use the same pronouns as the person they're talking with.
- Their blood is made of (poisonous) black ink... isn't that so cool...

【 Design Notes 】
- Jīnshén's fingers are always smudged with black paint.