Fanned Wyverns



3 months, 30 days ago


wyvern species based on anything that swims. Seals, sharks, whales, it's got a fanned wyvern. Make your own! just follow the seal-or-bigger size guide and general body plan. No wing-talons, with a crest running from head to tail. Tail resembles mimic species or is just "mer-like." Its feet look like duck feet.

Has the largest size rage of all wyvern subspecies. The theoretical biggest wyvern, blue whale size, has never been documented but evidence of trophic cascading shows that there are at least 3 blue whale size mega carnivores in the ocean somewhere.

Was the base species that scaled wyverns were bred out of - they're pretty docile unless provoked. They get along with merpeople quite well. Some dolphin varieties even act as beasts of burden for some mer schools.

Symbols of the sea, and according to legend they act out the sea's will on unruly sailors and plundering pirates. It's said that seeing three different fanned wyverns in a day means a tsunami is imminent.

Tend to have venom fang(25%) or ice breath(35%) abilities, with a minority having fire breath(10%).