Furred Wyverns



3 months, 30 days ago


Furred wyverns are the most accessible natural wyvern subspecies. They have either canine or equine heads, with their type of head denoting their diet. Equine wyverns are omnivorous. Make your own! just follow size and general body plan guides. Furry as you like, with 2 (equine) or 3 (canine) talons on their wings. Their feet have three front-talons and a smaller, backward-angled "thumb" talon for traction purposes. Equine wyverns can have horns and manes that mimic any ungulate species!

Most of the population has no breath ability(80%), with about 10% each having fire or ice breath and the remaining less than percent with venom fangs. It's rumored that furred wyverns may have a unique breath ability, but that's just hearsay.

Each type of furred wyvern has evolved to blend in with different non-wyvern social species. Canines live symbiotically with wolf packs and sometimes hunters, able to corral prey from the sky. They are quite generous in sharing their kills - only because they kill so much when they need to eat. Canine wyverns generally eat massive meals twice per month.

Equine wyverns live in herds with horses, generally, but have been spotted with goats, deer, stolen cows, and stolen sheep before. They act as shepherds for their herds, driving off threats and only eating enough of their herd to sustain themselves without depleting their food source too much. In pinches, they can subsist off of plants and fruits, but a herbivorous diet is not optimal for equine wyverns despite what their heads imply. This type comes in conflict with farmers often, as they steal livestock to add to their herd sometimes. They're also hunted the worst of all wyvern types, as mad or starving equine wyverns will predate on livestock without care and rip through farmers' stocks in a matter of days.

Thought to be the wisest subspecies of wyvern, furred wyverns have been prophecy-givers in legend. There are superstitions about killling furred wyverns in some communities along the lines of "doom to the clan that kills the wisest 'vern." It's theorized that furred wyverns would be the easiest to domesticate, but few successful attempts have been made. Not enough tame furred wyverns to create a stable tame population.