Katarina Li Rendark



8 years, 5 months ago


Also known as just Kat. Old character from 2010, has a twin brother, and is pretty cheerful and positive, or at least tries to be.. It's kinda hard when you're literally stranded in the past and have to watch your every step to avoid paradoxes. She's actually also a pretty good mechanic, and keeps kicking herself for the fact that she was asleep when mom's stolen time machine malfunctioned and sent her small family into the past rather than a slightly distant future away from their problems. Not to mention said time machine broke beyond repair.

But maybe there's a silver lining to it... which is new friendships. With an alien, an alien-raised human, and a "human". Yep. They may possibly resort to returning back to the alien homeworld, it's not like these people from the future were actually supposed to be present on Earth.

...i'm rambling now, aren't i

idk how much sense that made but w/e

she's also trans