


5 years, 10 months ago


A native of Selphia, Leona can trace her heritage back to the towns earliest days. Usually a traveling scholar known for her studying of history, The Forest of Beginnings, and the Native Dragons. After the passing of her mother, who had previously served Ventuswill, Leona returns and takes up permanent residence in Selphia once more, putting her knowledge and abilities to use for Ventuswill, and forming a strange bond with the Dragon, as her mother before her. She also begins to take up the study of runes not long after her return at the behest of the dragon. Can be very smart-mouthed and short with others, and tends to be a bit of a know it all. Very extroverted and likes to tease others, though can never seem to bring herself to tease Kiel like she does others, yet will often victimize his sister. Known to go at it with Venti and Doug from time to time. Often found wandering out of town. Fights with book like a nerd

Pairing? Who knows? Maybe Dylas OTL

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