Character template (with tabs) (WINX)



3 months, 3 days ago


➤ Names, Nicknames, Birthdays and Zodiac Full Birth Name: Full Birth Name Meaning: Who named her this: Alternative Name: Alternative Name Meaning: Who named her this: Nicknames: Why does she/he have these nicknames: Who named her this: Birthday: Age: Fairy Sign: Earth Zodiac: ➤ Home World Details: Place of Origin: Home World Element: Flora of the World: Fauna of the World: History of the World: Royalty, Communist, Government or Other: Thriving Planet or Surviving planet: (Thriving vs Surviving means, is the planet more like Lynphea where it's thriving, or is it more like Domino in season 1 where it's all dying and just trying to survive?) ➤ Interests and Personality: Hobbies: Pet Peeves: Summary of Personality: Introvert, Extravert or Ambivert: Aspirations: Fears: ➤ Favourites: Favourite Food: Favourite Drink: Favourite Memory: Favourite Music Genre: Favourite Book Genre: Favourite Song: Favourite Movie Genre: Favourite Celebrity: Favourite Animal: Favourite Colour: Favourite Flower: Favourite Spell: ➤ School Credentials: School Attending: Previous Schools: Dorm Friends: Room Mate: Average Grade: Behaviour in Lessons: Favourite Subject: Strongest Subject: Favourite Teacher: Rule-Breaker? (Favourite Subject and Strongest Subject are set apart because a favourite subject isn't always something that the student is best at. Sometimes they overlap, but sometimes a student is better at a subject they don't enjoy the most.) ➤ Magic Credentials: Source of Power: Sub-powers: Additional Abilities: Special Objects: Basic Element: Bonded Pixie: Story of the Bond: Bonded Selkie: Story of the Bond: Bonded Fairy Animal: Story of the Bond: ➤ Spellbook: Magic Winx: Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Special): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Special): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Special): Description of the spells look and effect Charmix: What personal goal did she overcome to obtain it: Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Special): Description of the spells look and effect Enchantix: Who did she save and how from her kingdom to obtain it: Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Special): Description of the spells look and effect Believix: Who did she make believe in magic to obtain it: Spell name (Sphere Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Ray Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence Shield): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence Globe): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Therapeutic Power): Description of the spells look and effect Sophix: Spell name (Gift of Wisdom): Description of the spells look and effect Lovix: Spell name (Gift of Heart): Description of the spells look and effect Harmonix: What riddles did she have to solve with it: Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Special): Description of the spells look and effect Sirenix: Which Gems did she have to gather to obtain it: Spell name (Pulse Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Ray Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Ball Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Shield): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Punch Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Kick Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Special Spell): Description of the spells look and effect Bloomix: What brave act, activated the Bloomix gem: Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Special): Description of the spells look and effect Mythix: What brave act proved her worthy to the Mythix wand: Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence Aura): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Special): Description of the spells look and effect Butterflix: What did she do to protect nature to obtain it: Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Butterflix Power): Description of the spells look and effect Tynix: What fairy animal did she bond with and how did she obtain it: Spell name (World Attack): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Defence): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Fairy Animal Bond): Description of the spells look and effect Dreamix: Who's dream did she make come true: Spell name (Attack/Defence/Special): Description of the spells look and effect Onyrix: When and why did the Spirit of the World of Dreams grant her Onyrix: Spell name (Attack/Defence/Special): Description of the spells look and effect Spell name (Bonus Gift): Description of the spells look and effect ➤ Relationships and Sexuality: Sexuality: Gender Identity: Sex: Views on gender expression and sexuality: Love Interest: Level of intimacy: Do they want children: How many children do they want: Do they want to adopt or have their own children: ➤ Backstory