
6 years, 1 month ago


The Ultimate Occultist, Anna finds herself in touch with demons a lot. One of her favorites to summon is one by the name of Saragon. When she isn't summoning demons or performing rituals, Anna reads her demonology book.

Now, how in the world did she get so interested with demons? Well, her family was extremely religious (Jewish), which turned off Anna from the religion her family practiced in favor of being her own person. However, once her family found out about it, she was cast off and disowned, forbidden from using the last name of her biological family. This caused her to become a drifter of sorts, working odd jobs and crashing at the homes of her fellow occultists (if they were kind enough to offer). Despite her new circumstances, she continued her practices, being a regular at occult meetings. She was even noted by Hope's Peak and invited to the school with the title of "Ultimate Occultist"


-While she states she is Lesbian, she's not actually attracted romantically and sexually to females. She's actually straight. But, why would she claim to be something she's not? Perhaps another "Fuck you" to her family, but only Anna truly knows the answer to that.
-As she has no last name, she does allow people to give her temporary last names to refer to her to. However she does have limits of what she will accept, and dislikes laziness, like Bo-anna and Banana.
-She....does not like talking about her family much. All she will mention is they were religious, and any further digging will cause her to try to brush you off and get you to quit bugging her about it.
-Her 6-sided star necklace is just about the only memoir she has to her family.