


3 months, 19 days ago


NAME Conch'paw


PREFIX For her light color

SUFFIX Trad. apprentice suffix

AGE 6 Moons


ORIENTATION Cupioromantic


RANK apprentice


Alone again.


+ Dedicated, Aimable, Forthright

= Dependent, Cleanly, Meticulous

- Anxious, Irritable, Possesive

Conch'paw is an extremely timid she-cat. Shes... flighty and doesn't really enjoy being around others whom she doesn't know. Though her shell of anxiety isn't that hard to crack if you're patient enough. Underneath her protection of self defense and overall aversion to contact all together is a sweet child that just wants to be protected. She enjoys the stability and safety that the clan has brought to her. Though she is anxious Conch'paw will speak up for herself- especially when she is upset or overstimulated.

When you get to know the real her, Conch loves to chat and spend quality time with you. She acts like a normal cat- like how she's supposed to. Though she never really has loved physical affection she'll be much more reciprocal if she knows you are a friend. Conch is more open, more friendly, and much for comfortable with those that she has a bond with.

Though even past her good traits, lies her bad ones. When you get so close with her Conch feels a sort of- entitlement to you. Especially because there are so few that she trusts- she can be quite possessive over them. After all she cannot make friends as easily as everyone else can. The she-cat is easily annoyed when you don't want to spend time with her, more so from a place of her own issues. You've gotten her trust and now you want to leave?

Overall Conch'paw is Quite Anxious, and a bit possessive. But all she wants in life is to feel safe and secure. She wants to be loved but finds it hard to trust.


0-2 moons- Conch'kit was born to two cats living their way out in the world. She doesn't really remember much- much of anything about her life before the age of 3 moons. All she can ever recall is the breeze upon her fur and the constant moving around. Conch hated the moving, only wishing that she would have been able to settle down nicely. She cannot remember her parents' names nor what they had looked like. Though Conch isn't sure she wants to remember

3 moons- What she does remember about her biological parents is that one day late at night, while Conch was preparing for bed- they had gotten into a fight. All she can recall is screaming and then the next minute she was on the road again, just the two of them. Sleepless nights and hungry days was the last thing she experienced with one of her birth parents before being dropped off with a rouge by the name of Muse. Surely this means she has finally found her home right? She was kind, and another- less calm kit with her. Conch enjoyed her small time with the rouge- truly envisioning her life like this.

4 moons- Dropped off again. With loud and annoying other kits, strange cats all around, and no idea what has been going on. Conch'kit has lost a little faith that she'll ever truly be accepted.

5 moons- Settling into clan life was hard for Conch’kit- feeling the weary eyes of some of the warriors, it made her feel unwelcome. However Anenome’kit was by her side, did he exactly ease the she-kit’s nerves? No. But despite his incessant need for touch, he never failed to at least attempt to made her smile. Mantis’kit was another rouge kit that Conch had taking a liking to. Though she is a bit- brash… Not all of the older cats were cold and unfriendly, Blossom’tuft, and the family of Cricket’hop, Smoke’tail, Rythym’swipe, and Cerulean’shake were accommodating and sweet to the kit (though she's not quite sure of Cerulean’s stance…). In particular she had taken her place with Cricket’hop and Smoke’tail, following them around and being attached at the hip to the pair. Now a new worry arises- if she is even capable of fitting into the clan life. Watching the warriors and learning of them- she isn't sure if she can fulfill the role.

6 moons- !


Conch’paw is an average sized cream and black spotted she-cat. Her pelt pattern almost looks like a sea slug. Though Conch is not small, she always looks smaller than she is due to hunching. Her eyes are unnaturally dark but always wide and- sad looking.

DESIGNER Amphibiian



AESTHETIC Beach, seashells, conches


Design Notes
  • Spikey fur
  • Her eyes are big and droopy
  • Little tufts at the base of her ears
  • Very fluffy ears
  • Her cheek fluff is slightly curled (thanks Jitters)
  • Shells
  • Sea bunnies
  • The sound of the breeze
  • Physical touch
  • Loud noises
  • Snakes








  • More abt Cupioromanticism; someone who desires a romantic relationship but doesn't experience romantic attraction to others: As Conch'paw grows older she will start to romnatictize the thought of someone loving and caring for her like a lover. She wants very badly to have the kind of relationhsip that she sees mates have and sometimes wishes she had a family of her own. However Conch is Aromantic and cannot form such romantic attraction. She will try, i assume, but the true feeling of romantic love is never really there.
  • Conch'paw has GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) "Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental health condition that causes fear, worry and a constant feeling of being overwhelmed. It’s characterized by excessive, frequent and unrealistic worry about everyday things, such as job responsibilities, health or chores." (Clevelnd Clinic) Of course, these are cats- however we play them like humans so i will describe this like a human. Conch'paw wants to make friends and be carefree more than anything, however her anxiety stops her from doing so. She worries so much about her health, her place in the world, and what others think of her that it can be quite deteriorating. Often times people with such severe anxiety as she does avoid any situation that could trigger their anxieties and worries- for Conch'paw almost everything is quite stress inducing.

    ↑ I can see in the future with a good amount of exposure and therapy Conch's behaviors will lessen, however as of right now all of these cats are strangers to her.

  • Her fur is natrually quite spikey.
  • Conch loves the sound of the breeze, and long peaceful walks- these often calm her!
  • Adult VC is Fluttershy, from MLP

Adopted father
"Cricket'hop is kind and caring, he lets me take my time and doesnt pressure me to do anything i dont want to- i really appreciate him. He has done so much for me."

Adopted father
"Smoke'tail is paitent, but he isnt afraid to make me go outside of m comfort zone- i guess in the moment im scared... but i know its for the best."

Adopted brother
"Rythym'swipe cares about his family so much, im glad he's around to protect us!"

Adopted brother in-law
"I... cant tell if Ceruluan'shake is being? Mean? Or nice? Rythym says he's just bad with words.... which i get."

Best friend
"Nem likes to play with my tail..... other than that he's a great friend. Im afraid that hes going to get himself hurt one day- he doesnt worry enough!"

"Mantis is strong and brave, i wonder if i can be like her one day!.... Probably not."

"Blossom'tuft helps take care of all of us, she's very attentive and listens to my stories!"

"Muse found me and brought me to Stormclan, i didnt spend much time with her but... i do miss her. Sometimes i wonder what would've happened if she had just kept me. But my home is here now!"

Character Name
( relation )
Nulla dapibus molestie vestibulum. Sed cursus, est et ornare ultrices, eros orci sodales nulla, eu porta massa arcu id massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse elementum dolor nec laoreet dapibus. Nam feugiat, tortor ac mattis imperdiet, lectus enim cursus ante, quis tempus mi nisl ac metus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ultrices semper ultricies.