


3 months, 13 days ago


"Huh, I... didn't expect that to work. Quickly, run away before Mom sees!"
A brown and cream kit with blue eyes and a cleft lip.
Created 04 / 03 / 24
Last edited 04 / 03 / 24
name Sprigkit
prefix- for their small size.
-suffix typical kit suffix.
gender Female (AFAB)
age 0 (0/0/0)
sexuality Currently Unknown.
Clan StormClan.
Past Ranks N / A
Mentor(s) N / A
Apprentice(s) N / A

A tempest storm, Sprigkit is a volitile force of nature wrapped up in a surprisingly quiet package. With little to no interest in making much noise, it's difficult to know where she is without keeping a keen eye on her movements. Often enough causing trouble in ways that can't be prevented until it's far too late. A follower to her siblings, the brown kitten has no ambition for leadership or interest in power. Easily pleased by making her own might.

However, her Mother is the center of her world. As with most kits theree is nothing more important tha her mother's affections and approval. Bathing in it like a warm summer's day, practically basking in the praise.

Adaptable Intuitive Steadfast Witty

Boyish Intense Moralistic Tough

Arrogant Crafty Disorganised Hidebound

It's far too easy to simplify Sprigkit down to her base values, a feline of the body more than the mind. Thinking up entirely fabricated heists, irritating her siblings with the not-truly-thought-through 'crimes', she is far better following along.

A loyal hound to her more leadership oriented family, the big she-kit instead focuses more on developing her own skills than pursuing gradeur. Cracking the occasional witty joke with friends, many find her too intense and suprisingly tough to be comfortable around.

  • Beetles & Moths
  • Warm Rainfall
  • Scheming
  • Rough Housing
  • Mushy, Dead Leaves
  • Large Crowds
  • Practicing Pounces
  • Napping

A short but broad kitten, Sprigkit's most notable traits include her singular folded ear and prominent cleft lip; splitting her maw and revealing sharp teeth behind. A shaggy mohawk of longer fur draping across wide shoulders, the she-kit's chocolate tabby coat is often untamed. Caught with leaves and dirt tangled in the long strands, usually unwilling to groom her own pelt unless forced.

She shares a strong similarity with Figkit, almost twin-like.

build endomorph
height 12" full
dom paw left
bans folded ear
scars ...

AS A NEWBORN KITTEN. It's difficult to make sense of the world when you've only just come into it. Only a select few scents and sensations available to make sense of your new life. Milk, a rough tongue on her fur, murmuring voices, aand a name: Sprigkit.

Born to Maplespring, and an uninformed rogue named Bailey, she is not yet old enough to have any notible experiences outside of her birth.

AS AN APPRENTICE. Sprigkit is not yet an apprentice.


Sprigkit is voiced by Indy from Bluey as a kit.

She will often collect various, unusual items for entertainment such as beetle wings, feathers, and random pebbles. Keeping them in her nest or hidey spots in camp.

Sleeping normally? No. Sprigkit sleeps in a heap, limbs everywhere and mouth ajar. Often snoring.

Sprigkit's favourite colour is blue, she finds the sky fascinating.

Sprigkit's Mother, and the center of the tawny kit's universe. There is no doubt that this little thunderstorm adores the molly, even if she is too proud to aadmit it outloud. Often found watching her do warrior duties from the nursery walls.

Bailey isn't a cat Sprigkit has ever met, and likely never will. An absent parent as per Maplespring's choice, Bailey's only real impact on her life is the patterns on her pelt, the saturation of her fur, the folded nature of her ear.

Her Grandmother. Wrassewind is the litter's primary caretaker, and Sprigkit admires the molly's anticts even at her old age. Often begging for stories and advice from the elder relentlessly.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna.