Briar's Comments

I'd like to place the starting bid!

I’ll accept! My PayPal is [email protected] or my Cashapp is $oftpaws once sent I’ll get this guy transferred over to ya :D 

I'll send it over now to cashapp!

They're so freaking cool! Can't offer money rn, but I'll shoot my shot with trades/art!

Feel free to check out my unwanted folder for some possible trades! Or my fresh folder, though I'll be way more tentative on that one! Or I could offer some art!

Thank you for your time!

Hey! Sorry for the late response

:0 , only character I saw that I’d use is eclipse but I’m not sure if you’d be willing to trade him. no worries if not! :]

Ah, yeah, sadly don't think I'd do Eclipse right now, my apologies! ^^" but thank you for looking!

No worries!