Comfrey's Comments

I really enjoy this design, so I am going to try my best to do a WTA. 

My idea for this creature is that they're a familiar for a powerful witches' coven. When not threatened, or in "rest mode", this character stays present in a simple cat form as to not draw suspicion to themselves. When I'm "work mode" or just for their own enjoyment, they can be found in an anthro state, their species now morphed into a tiger so they can better protect the coven. Their horns are a mark of magic, as it is the symbol of their master witch in the coven. Generally a laid-back person, but when push comes to shove, they are a very diligent worker who is advanced in the magick arts. 

This is a pretty interesting idea! I'll send them to you. Have fun developing and drawing!


Thank you so much !