Stardive's Literatures

3 months, 29 days ago

Explicit Violence

tw drowning

Have you ever been in the dark, and felt like someone was watching?

It’s an eerie feeling. Cats can see well as long as there’s a pinprick of light—the young pale furred cat should have no reason to feel the creeping anxiety that seems to skitter up his back. The moon is only a claw in the sky, a silver slice that bleeds a thin weak light across the grey shores. Hazelbreeze is not normally one to wake so early, but his sleep had been interrupted several times by unnerving dreams. Twisted, nauseous things that seemed to rake claws across his sleeping mind, and sit heavy on his chest—leaving no memory of them when he wakes except for vague impressions. Something about falling through the black, endless sky. Something about eyes—giant, star-filled eyes—watching him.