Persona (Brian)



1 year, 1 month ago


Brian is...well, my brain lol. i began to separate my brain from myself via character as a way of coping with and changing the way i respond to my negative thoughts etc, and he has since become very cherished and dear 2 me<3 don't ask why he's a boy while i'm a girl, i have no explanation for this,

he looks just like my regular persona for the most part, but is always wearing the same layered long-sleeve shirt, feet pants, and his stupid fucking hat that says his name in all caps lmao. he can also sprout up to six tentacles from his back, but he's technically capable of anything since he exists in a mindspace or some shit lol... 

he completely lacks a filter, saying whatever the hell he wants without consideration and is really easily amused. he doesn't experience the affects of the thoughts he provides me with, so he's often just wholeheartedly entertained by the disturbing and uncomfortable things he's prone to saying and doing. he likes to encourage negative thought patterns and behaviors, but he's not actually inherently malicious or fact, we're kinda bros. conflicted relationship goin on here. he'll encourage positive feelings just as easily as negative ones, and provide comfort and attention when he feels like it