


3 months, 21 days ago


Birth name: Elias

Current name: James

Orientation: idk lmao

A man who simply wants to be left the fuck alone, James' goal is to be nothing more than a inconspicuous dust speck on the wind. Once upon a time his name was Elias and he was part of the city elite, running in the same crowd as Baby and Morrigan, and participated in the devious deeds they came up with. But as an older teen he escaped that life and slunk into the shadows. His past is extremely tumultuous and one he's not proud of and wishes to leave behind. Everything about him is about wanting to hide his identity, from taking on his new name James, to his full body clothes. He is greatly averse to showing much skin, constantly wearing long sleeves and jeans as well as a mask, tinted sunglasses, and hat to hide his face. He avoids speaking to anyone unless he absolutely has to, even his coworkers and boss at the restaurant he works at as a chef. So strong is his paranoia that he refuses to even put his name on a lease for an apartment, willingly choosing to be homeless. Whenever anyone even remotely suspicious is around he uses his Talent to alter his appearance and pretend to be someone else until the coast is clear. However that manner of lowkey life didn't last when a twisted sense of fate lead Morrigan, his psycho ex, to find him and force him to return to his old life with a threat and knife to his throat. So now James unwillingly serves to help Morrigan and Baby in their fucked up schemes once again as the spearhead of their plans. When working for them he goes by 'Tints', the shitty nickname his ex gave him.

Talent: Minor shapeshifting