
3 months, 23 days ago



Name Taven
Nickname/s Tave, Tav
date of birth May 25, 2020
Gender Male
Length 5'2" (157.48 cm)
Weight 85 lbs (48.08 kg)
Species Wolf
Scent Musty, smelling faintly of aloe
Family Khonsu (father) Sierra (mother) Kiara (sister)
Build Taven is short, but has a very strong and stocky build, along with neat fur. He has a seductive body but an unattractive face.
Voice Chris Martin, but he always speaks very lowly and dully, almost petulantly.
rank Delta



Taven is always seeking happiness, but since he searches selfishly, he can't find it. Thus, it's incredibly rare to find him in a good mood, because he's serious and grumpy all the time. He behaves in that way just like a teenager. In fact, his emotional and mental maturity do not surpass that of a depressed adolescent. This aspect of Taven is well-described by the song lyrics "We smile at party time, but soon we forget to smile at anything else" (AJR's Sober Up).


Taven has always been secretly jealous of his sister, Kiara. Her charm, her beauty, her happiness, everything. This jealousy pushes him to do better, which is a negative but effective motivator. However, his deep love for her prevents him from doing anything to harm her, including trying to be better than her. He also easily becomes jealous of others.


Taven rarely makes changes, for better or for worse. This includes his firm belief that only males shall do work. He (like mostly everybody, including you) is set in his beliefs and is convinced that he is right. No reason or proof can change his mind, as he invalidates any different opinions. His goal is to get his beloved sister to understand the correct way of life. That is how he wants to use his role as Delta, to influence Tershin's female alpha and beta.


Although he might not always do a good job, Taven is a very dedicated worker. His drive comes from the want to help his family, especially caring for the females. He is a skilled hunter, having practiced with his father for years. When asked to do anything else, it's unlikely that he will do anything but a slipshod job, often trying to find the easy way out. The attempt will always be there, though, only if it's work he was asked to do, because he is lazy by nature and would rather party with friends than work!


Taven is an introvert. He is not afraid to be loose around friends or to make friends (he actually quite enjoys those), but he rarely says much, because he rarely has anything to say. He keeps most of his hopeless thoughts to himself, though his sulky nature speaks louder than his words could. Any time he doesn’t spend having fun with friends, he spends alone, as he doesn't like or get anything from boring social interactions. Although he's not a big talker, he'll show his sharp tongue when angry, but NEVER to his sister.



Taven was born in a very distant mountain cave. He was one of two pups in his litter. His sister is Kiara. His family had the ideal that only male wolves could "do work", which meant the females laid around all day and ate. Kiara got bored of this life and decided to move far away, which greatly upset Taven, who loved his sister more than he would show. He decided to live for this beliefs he stood for, and after a falling-out with his parents, he left to create his own pack.

Roleplay History

While searching for poppy seeds, Taven ran into Kiara and decided to join Tershin despite its having a female leader.



Kiara [ sister ]

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Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

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