Design TOS



3 months, 17 days ago


Honestly... I don't care what you do. You know just credit me where credit is due. and yeah.

If you really want like specifics or whatever here


  • Designs may be resold for any price.
    • This includes upselling, selling designs you received for free, etc.

  • Designs may be resold to anyone.
    •  I do not keep a blacklist. Anyone who I don’t want owning my designs probably doesn’t want them anyway!

  • Designs may be used for any purpose.
    • You can use a design you adopted from me for anything. This includes NSFW content, political content, and monetary gain (ex. if I design someone’s sona, they can sell plushies they make of their sona).
    • If I don’t like what you’re doing with my design, I’ll just block you.

  • Designs may be edited or changed in any way. 
    • This includes transferring a design into or out of a closed species, so long as you follow the closed species’ rules.
    • You are permitted to edit the art of a design’s original reference to reflect design changes (ex. adding accessories), so long as you do not edit any signatures and maintain proper credit.
      • Don’t forget the base artist’s credit if needed!
      • This permission is not explicitly granted for NSFW or fetish edits. I probably will say yes, given that you’re not doing anything harmful, but you will need to get permission.

  • Designs and art must be credited properly 
    • Any design that I make must be credited to me in some way. I'd prefer a link back to my profile, but anything will do
    • I use bases quite frequently. I will specify if the design sold to you is on a base or not. Please make sure you keep credit the base maker if you get an on base design.


  • You may not use my art for monetary gain without first buying the rights to reproduce from me.
    • For example, you may not put my work on a t-shirt and sell it.
      • If the commission is initially established as something you will be selling (ex. “can you design a t-shirt for my store?”) this does not apply. 
      • This only applies to using my work for monetary gain. If you get a piece and want to make a t-shirt for yourself, go for it.

  • You may not edit my work without explicit consent.
    • With the exception of the above guidelines for design references.
    • You can crop a piece so long as my signature is still visible. If you would like a version cropped where the signature is out of frame, you can use this to put it back in.

  • If you would like to see progress, you must ask up front.
    • I’m down to show progress shots (sketches, lines, etc.) but you must ask up front. You must explicitly indicate which phases you would like to see.

If this looks suspiciously similar to Sweathie's tos. yes. I stole it (with permission) congrats. you found it.