Liram Stormchaser



5 years, 8 months ago


Liram Stormchaser: [Pronounced LIE-rum]


Liram is a salty old Blood Legion soldier and basically ends up being the babysitter character. She’s had cubs so she knows how to deal with them, but she’s not always the best influence. She’s “retired” and instead of finding a new job, she has decided to see what she can of the world. She’s basically the surprisingly progressive grandma character who drinks and swears like a sailor and does kickboxing in her spare time, and could take her own son down in a fight if someone would hold her cigar for a moment.

She has six offspring running around the world somewhere, but is only in contact with two of them. The first four she had in service to her legion (and maybe because she couldn’t keep her armor on while drunk), and didn’t bother to keep track of them for long. She was a young Blood soldier who just wanted to live her presumably short life to the fullest. She was a bit surprised to make it past her prime. She and an old warbandmate got close and had a couple of cubs together just because they both wanted cubs (they were his first). Those are the two she is still in contact with. She considers him her mate although she doesn’t see him but a few times a year. He works in the Citadel while she sees the world. That way, when they’re together they have nothing but fun. Otherwise they’d both start grouching. Neither is good company for extended periods and they know that from all their years together as ‘bandmates. So while she misses him, she isn’t sad about it. She just looks forward to the next time. He has traveled with her but decided it wasn’t his thing. He liked his routine job as a medical examiner/forensic specialist (basically a necromancer with medical training) back home. He does visit her in Lions Arch though, and she is encouraging him to do this more frequently (and reminding him that forensics necros were paid much better in LA).

Liram is a bit coarse and has a few bad habits, but she has mellowed with age, preferring to sit and talk over a bottle of whiskey rather than get into a fight, which is basically the opposite of her younger self. The more places she can say that she’s sat and watched a sunset with a drink in her hand, the better.

She’s surprisingly accepting of the treaty with the humans, for a charr her age. And surprisingly accepting of the changes to herself. But she’s always been pretty open-minded when she’s honest with herself. She still has some troubles with humans up close, tending to get annoyed by them and griping about it later. But otherwise, she tolerates them as a portion of the populace. She may not have been as open-minded in her youth, had it happened then.

Liram takes a liking to Cearnach, saying he reminds her of a younger, less-grouchy Waldek, and gets excited to introduce the two of them to each other.

She and Waldek started out staunchly Blood Legion and proud of it, but in their maturity, neither is very impressed by the blowhards in any legion.

General Information

First name: Liram
Surname: Stormchaser
Age: 50 (as of 1331 AE)
Date of birth: Phoenix 127, 1281 AE
Race: Charr
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Current residence: Based in Black Citadel and Lions Arch, but travels
Relationship status: Mated exclusively but doesn’t live with him
Voice: (tba)
Height: 7’ 10”
Weight: 400 lb
Eye colour: Lilac
Fur colour: Grey and white
Distinguishing features: Curled-down horns, darker stripes in her grey patches
Hair colour: Purple
Hair style: Dreadlocks, usually pulled back
Birth country: Ascalon
Past places of residence: Black Citadel
Parents: Unknown
Class: Hunter
Career: Was a soldier, now retired
Siblings: Unknown
Children: 6 cubs (not yet named)
Friends: Ampris, Fiebi, Thorn, Cearnach, Verlot, Dilt, Wolfram, Waldek
Love interest: Waldek Hailstorm
Favourite types of food: Meat, has a thing for rare
Favourite types of drink: Anything she can get her paws on
Pet peeves: People who dwell on their feelings, overthinking things
Liram Stormchaser: [Pronounced LIE-rum]