Lady Labrador



3 months, 16 days ago


One of the Seven Merchants of Pyrrhia in the Wings Rising world :)

A faker fr fr!!! She's not actually royal or of high blood, she just refers to herself as a Lady and prefers to be addressed formally and respectfully.


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Lady Labrador, the Merchant Queen

Female (she/any)


Merchant, Trader, Leader



The abandonned Skywing Palace

Theme song Material Girl (Madonna)

"The lady is strikingly beautiful, with unusually dark reds and maroons. Despite such colors, she is fully Skywing; it is simply genetics and chance. She is very tall and has a commanding figure which is at once muscular and powerful yet sleek and flexible. She often comes off as mysterious and even intimidating to others, even if she doesn't mean to.

"While she does not at all look down upon other dragons, Labradorite gets a sort of glee from the feeling of power. She very much enjoys being addressed formally and respectfully, and when she receives attention of any sort. Although she may give off the impression that she is a royal, she doesn’t care much for acting totally refined and never expressing her emotion; while she is a strong character who always stands tall, it is very easy to win a smile from her.

"She tends to keenly watch over those who serve under her jurisdiction and expresses a somewhat touching level of concern for their wellbeing. Contrary to her status, Labrador views everyone as her equal, and while she may be commanding when she deems it necessary, she doesn’t tend to be necessarily demanding. Lady Labrador often conceals her true emotions and demeanors behind a head held tall. She tends to decorate herself in silk and gold and all sorts of lavish accessories, although she is open to just about any style and refuses to wear any crowns.

"She is a secret-keeper and tries to make herself a figure of strength, someone to look up to and someone whose determination boosts morale. It seems very difficult to truly upset Labradorite, making it hard to get under her scales. All these factors contribute to an air of positivity and confidence which surround this character. If you do manage to upset her, the most she’ll do is divert her attention away from you or tell you straight to your face, not wasting time on moping or growling or fussing about it. She kind of has a “get over it” mentality for herself. However, when someone does something that makes her happy, she finds it hard to hide her smile, and therefore doesn’t mind showing her delight. It can be very easy to earn this character’s favor.

"She runs secret operations and trades to provide for her and her underlings up in the mountains of the Sky Kingdom."

chocolate covered strawberries, grapes, cherries, gold, silk, fur, anything flashy, attention, order, respect, power, offering help, organizing
overly salted foods, jerky, rough fabric, contempt, mud, rain, scams, feeling slighted, deception, foul smells, feeling helpless, hopelessness

Noble, Caring, Merciful

Stoic, Free-Wheeling, Analytical

Impatient, Condescending, Impulsive


Regular firebreath. Great aim and decent training in flame-based combat.

High stamina and powerful wings, topped with aerial strength and grace.

Astounding eyesight which can pick up slight nuisances in color and has a high resolution farsight.

Like most Skywings, a capable fighter. High pain tolerance is a bonus as well.

A very wealthy character with high affluence. A successful merchant indeed.

A leader of a notorious or influencial group. Attacking this character is difficult to manage; if accomplished, you'll have an entire group on your tail seeking vengeance. Threatening, harming, or killing this character will earn you many enemies.


Neutral Good

The Ruler, The Caregiver

The Tower, The Star

Realist, growth

Rose, Star, Wolf, Eagle, Pheonix, Gold, Silk, Purple

  • Owns a black cat named Kismet.
  • Had her scleras tattooed black when she was younger to look "fierce." Her vision recovered fine.
  • Frequently wears decorative contacts with stars or just slits to hide her pupils and to stand out against the artificial inky blacks of her eyes. This gives the illusion of inverted eyes, and may seem intimidating.
  • Her brand logo/seal features a pheonix in shades of purple. Banners sporting the logo/seal can be found hanging where Skywing banners once hung on, in, and around the castle.
  • Often smells like perfume; by default, she just smells metallic, dusty, and/or like roses.
  • Favorite color is purple.
  • Favorite animals are owls or wolves.
  • Slightly above average height.
  • Favorite food is chicken alfredo and chocolate strawberries. Strongly dislikes jerky.
  • Favorite season is summer.
  • Somewhat of an insomniac. She sleeps in a multitude of naps throughout a 24hr cycle because she cannot sleep for long lengths of time in one go. Naps tend to be anywhere from 1-5 hours, depending on time of day and how long previous naps have been that day.
  • Carries around her own personal seal as a tongue piercing. This means it can be removed, but remains in her mouth often for security purposes. Kinda gross to some, but functional!
  • Carries concealable small daggers for safety, as well as a small hourglass. May also be found wearing ornate pouches or large merchant bags.
  • Sells a large variety of random goods from all over, as well as services to customers/traders. See her shop page for more info (COMING SOON).
  • Likes soft things, including animals (like cats).
  • If she trusts you, she would totally let you dress her up.
  • Oddly enough, she prefers being referred to by "miss," "sir," or "madam" rather than by "she" or other regular pronouns; probably another one of her interesting formalities quirks.
  • Rich and successful character who is well aware of what it felt like to have little and to feel helpless and small. Or at least that's how she remembers it, and how she describes it in her head.
  • Not a huge fan of ex-royal bloodlines, she can't help but blame them for how the world turned out.
  • She solely titles herself as a leader or a merchant. She refuses to adopt any royalty titles besides "Lady" even though she may act like one at times. This may or may not have something to do with the previous bullet point...
  • Enjoys being addressed and treated formally and respectfully, finding it endearing that others view her so highly.
  • The nickname "Merchant Queen" is more of an epithet rather than a title or role, which is the only reason she's alright being referred to as a queen in that specific manner. She didn't create the name though, and when she discovered it, it very much initially dismayed her.
  • Stays on top of news about other groups and their leaders.
  • Accepts dragons of any tribe and background into her group.
  • Does what she needs to do, but is surprisingly merciful and kind.
  • Looks fiercely after all who work for her.

Before hatching: "Although none of them were exceptionally wealthy, Labradorite had a very large extended family, each with their own lives and bit of money to their name. A majority of them were too busy fighting to have dragonets, and those dragonets who were hatched usually didn't survive long in the violent and suffering world."

Hatchling: "Labradorite's mother was briefly allowed off duty to tend to her on her hatching day. There, she was named. A couple aunts and uncles were there as well, but her father had already perished in the war. When her mother had to go back on duty, she was sent to live with what few cousins she had who were not officially serving the army yet."

Dragonet: "Almost immediately, little Labrador began battle training alongside her cousins. In one fell swoop, an ambush had killed off a majority of her family members, since they all stuck together and therefore all were right at the epicenter of the incident. This included her own mother. The war continued to rage on, and one by one her older cousins were drafted. Most of them survived at least, as it was in the final two years of the war. The once large and happy family reduced to dust, she and what few of her relatives remained inherited the wealth left behind. It was enough to make her quite rich, but what use was gold in the midst of flames?"

Adult: "Labradorite decided to sieze opportunity in the shattered world. Using her wealth, she gathered together stragglers who were still swayed by its beauty and clung to the old world relic and started a little gang. Members of her group were sent out to gather more stragglers to work under her as well as to acquire items for trade and trading partners, until by the time she was 9, she had amassed a rather impressive trade empire. A few of her remaining relatives opted to join her little empire, eager for survival, and she welcomed them gladly."

After the collapse of the Pyrrhian kingdoms, the Skywing palace- like others- found itself abandonned. Only some who used to reside there and dragons with nowhere else to go still cowered within the empty and dangerous halls which once hosted what bit of glory and extravagance left of the world before the "reverse Scorching." Labradorite's steadily growing merchant group was growing larger and larger and required more space and in a more... accessible area. The skywing palace was simply perfect for this. Leading her battalion, Lady Labrador quicjly succumbed the talonfull of dragons left in the castle's halls. Surprisingly, there were no casualties on either side, and she mercifully integrated those willing to stay and chased out those unwilling to join her.

Moving the headquarters of her trade empire to the Sky Palace earned her the nicknamed the Merchant Queen by some, although she refuses to call herself a queen, amusingly. She has maintained control over the palace territory, although she is open to sharing the space... for the right price- or reasons! We don't wanna get too greedy here- of course.

Lady Labrador resides here, having turned the ex-throne room into her personal office and meeting room. She rarely leaves the Sky Kingdom, often sending out ambassadors and representatives in her place.