
3 months, 9 days ago


FULL NAME: Kage ??? (pronounced kah-gé, jp word for shadow)

SPECIES: Octoling (Giant Pacific Octopus)

GENDER: Male (most people use he/him but he doesn't care how people see him)

AGE: ~26 (~16 during S1, around 19 during S2OE, and ~25 during S3)

HEIGHT: 6'0 (he slouches though so really like 5'10)

OCCUPATION: Weapon Technician/Mechanic

VOICE CLAIM: none yet 

While growing up in a fairly wealthy part of Inkopolis, he was always interested in weaponry and machines, especially since he was never the best at fighting on his own. He always picked apart the weapons he bought to learn how they worked and to see how he could improve their efficiency, eventually learning to make modifications that would occasionally break the rules in regular ink-based battles. He rarely plays normal ink sports but prefers to play in the battles that he co-hosts, which allow banned or unauthorized weapons and modifications (such as using golden eggs to enhance weapon mechanics or using banned specials). He owns a weapons shop in Splatsville that does sell legal weapons and kits, but it’s a front for the underground battles. 

- Quiet, passive, and not very expressive. He mostly speaks when spoken to, but will speak for others when they can’t and loves to talk about his weapons when he opens up. 

- He’s not the best at comfort, but as someone whose love language is favors/gifts, he'll usually buy something small or get a meal for whoever he wants to help.

- he's mesomorphic (muscular. will never pick a fight but he'll usually win them)

- his favorite legal ranked mode is tower control

- not an agent, but he does work with the NSS to trade weapons/upgrades for golden eggs

- he was one of the octolings who used to be part of the octarian kingdom! he was a mechanic and never really experienced combat or fighting aside from testing his own new weapons out.

- his coat and boots never had any abilities on them at first, so he added them himself. he doesn't wear headgear often unless he's doing Very Legal Resource Gathering, to hide his face (his favorite hat is the Takoroka mesh)

- as a caffeine addict, he ironically doesn't like coffee. if offered, he'll drink it to be nice, but black is too bitter and he always adds too much creamer (he is horrible at finding a good balance)

- terrible at comforting other people (at least in the traditional sense. he's no therapist, but he does give gifts after the fact or will share any food he has. he's a favors/gifts kind of lover)

- self-taught mechanic! he would always pick apart every weapon he got when he was younger, figuring out how everything worked and he'd put them back together after making small upgrades.

- the mods on his e-liter are a faster charge, less ink consumption, and padding that protects his shoulder (e-liters are heavy as FUCK that shit would hurt to shoot regularly without any external changes)

- perfectionist about his weapons. they have to work perfectly as intended or he'll take them apart and rebuild them until he stops nitpicking.