Sindri "Sin"



2 months, 7 days ago


Prefers to be called "Sin" but will(regrettably) respond to Sindri. "Sindri" to him sounds too feminine, too cute, doesn't suit him. He has a younger brother, Rune(currently age 13), who he cherishes deeply and would protect with his life. His brother is sick with a chronic illness. He also has a mother and father but they've always treated him like some kind of burden. The worst treatment he dealt with Sindri will never talk about and makes it a point to never have his brother experience that same kind of mistreatment. Growing up with parents who either neglected him or mistreated him, Sindri grew up to be a very boisterous boy who always vied for attention from his peers(there was no such thing as bad attention in his eyes). This drove most people away so he's never had an easy time making friends. Growing up in an impoverished family who only relied on the land for their meals and shelter, Sindri never got an education and therefore doesn't know how to read or write. He did, however, quickly learn his way around a tomahawk doing household chores like splitting their firewood and slaughtering their dinner.

Now, age 22, Sindri has joined the royal guard of Bruidour in order to better provide for his sick brother. He's quickly realized he doesn't have a natural knack for it but he's determined to stick with it so his brother can continue pursuing an education. Originally stationed to survey the outside of the castle, after the murder of Queen Rella and the supposed attempted murder of one of their princes, Lord Faro, Sindri and the other guards were ordered to guard the inside along with the others. It was originally meant to be a temporary station - just until the royal court figured out who was responsible - but that quickly proved complicated. Now, without being able to contact his brother to see how he was doing, Sindri was on edge. He was soon assigned to be one of the day guards meant to stay at Commander Thiobalt's side and the two were quickly at each other's throats. Both irritable for their own reasons.

work in progress...