Daemon, Order Axiom



3 months, 26 days ago


Daemon, the Axiom of Order78419143_8mAyteO9gv6Zh5U.png

Daemon is the Axiom of Order, although it is commonly confused that she’s the goddess of weather. This profile will specifically focus on the Earth Tempest, who has existed since the time of Earth’s creation.


Daemon is a blueish-gray scorpion covered in metallic cobalt blue armor. He has dark indigo irises with no pupils, and the "white" of his eye is more accurately a pale teal color. For a mobian, Daemon is incredibly tall. The human equivalent would be 8'9", and all of that height is filled with just as much muscle.


In time immemorial, the Presence of Order within the world has been in counterbalance by the Presence of Chaos, initially having the upper hand. The beginning of time marked the first falter of Order's pushback against Chaos, and as a result the multiverse has kickstarted into existence. This slight weakening would only continue to grow over time, though there seemed to be potential signs that the pendulum would eventually swing back to Order's favor.

Unfortunately, this was not the case. After many eons, certain events throughout the multiverse effectively accelerated the growth of Chaos, eventually causing Order to lose at a noticeable rate. While a vessel within the multiverse could be the perfect inner combatant, vessels were not able to contain the full power of Axioms, meaning they operated on a smaller level of power. It had become a losing battle for Order, but it was stubborn enough to persist and persevere despite that.

During one cataclysmic event, the core essence of the Multiverse appeared in a physical state. With this, A vessel could safely and effectively channel the full power of an Axiom within the World. As a result, Daemon, the vessel of Order was created, and Daemon specifically went out of his way to do everything within his power to gather the necessary allies needed, and hunt down the core in an attempt to end Chaos once and for all.

Unfortunately, removing all Chaos from the world would do much more moral harm than Daemon intended, and that led to an inevitable clash against a group of heroes that would ultimately fracture the World and open the gateway to more ensuing calamity.


Personality Strengths
Personality Flaws
Mannerisms/Notable Gestures/Ticks

Scorpion Tail

Daemon's scorpion tail is able to stretch to three times its normal length, allowing him to attack people with it at a greater range. It is incredibly potent, and there are a variety of effects he can cause to a person by injecting a "poison" into them (said possible effects are listed in Order Manipulation).

Daemon 's tail can duplicate itself to become four adjoined tails, allowing him to not be overwhelmed in combat should he end up in a melee conflict against multiple enemies.

Order Manipulation

Order is a very broad abstract force. It is not only incredibly versatile, but incredibly powerful, making Daemon one of the most powerful vessels of the Axioms. Transcending both science and magic, this allows Daemon to:

  • collapse future outcomes to guarantee a path of events.
  • Stabilize his body, allowing for negation of negative status effects, forced body alterations, and even self repair
  • Repair things to prime condition by reversing entropy.
  • stabilize matter itself to the point of converting it into strange matter
  • absorb order from energy and matter to destabilize it, causing it to burst/molecularly disintegrate
  • collapse space and time, allowing for events such as instantaneous movement, teleportation, timestop, and even creation of singularities
  • reinforce his body to increase his durability
  • Stabilize the motion of the universe, negating movement, hampering force, and nullifying temperature with Absolute Zero
  • force fluid states of matter into a solid state
  • See only the truth, granting immunity to the most powerful of illusions.
  • manipulate people to only speak the truth
  • neutralize attacks that are related to magic/chaos/chaotic nature. This can even go as far as negating certain higher forms of opponents
  • stabilize the emotions of others, mainly used against foes to calm them down with serenity if they are more manageable than being fueled by rage

Axiom Physiology

Daemon's true form is an Axiom entity, commonly thought of as a deity. His true form is an abstract being, an idea, that exists throughout all of creation. Daemon's physical being is just a vessel to operate in the physical world. As the very source of order, his power cannot be replicated.

Daemon's true form being an abstract idea grants him immortality so long as the idea persists, that of which being the existence of Order. This nature of existence also means that on a technical level, Daemon is soulless and mindless; as Axiom vessels have no soul, and the "consciousness" of Axiom vessels do not exist within the mental plane.

Because of his true state, Daemon's abilities can interact with abstract forces and planes of existence. He not only is resistant to these nature of attacks, but he can also interact with any incorporeal object and other beings of similar form, allowing him to attack, defeat, and even "kill" beings of the same caliber.


  • Viewing himself as unbeatable when compared to mortals, Daemon's does not take his battles seriously from the start, and instead tries to reason and recruit enemies onto his side. He may hold back a lot in his fights, and may sometimes only realize holding back was a bad idea when it's too late.
  • While Order counters Chaos, Chaos counters Order.