


5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name and Title

Her Serene Holiness Innocenti ‘Inno’ De Tomaso

Birth Name


Species / Race

Martian Cave Mouse


Name meaning / reason: (Innocenti is a defunct Italian scooter manufacturer; they made cute little classic scooters.  De Tomaso took them over in the 1970s. Italian sounds so pretty I decided that the Martian holy order uses old Italian motorcycle manufacturers for the names of their saints and leaders.) The Serene Holiness names her protégé following divine inspiration and passes down her own name to her protégé who takes it as her surname. Birth names are abandoned to eliminate all ties to former family or clan, since the Serene Holiness’ loyalty and devotion must be to Mars and the holy order. Ergo Inno’s mentor was named Tomaso De Moretti


Eye color: pale iridescent

Fur / hair color: white

Skin: pink nose and antenna


Age: 16 (Earth) years old  

Height / Weight: 4’ 11” / 92 lbs

Body type / build: Inno is dinky! 

Distinguishing marks / prominent features: Big, shiny, iridescent eyes, without noticeable pupils. Her eyes also exhibit tapetum lucidum, seeming to shine white in the dark. Inno’s adult coat still hasn’t grown in completely, leaving the pink of her skin to show through on her tail and inside her ears where her fur is still baby thin.



Dodge - unofficial foster father  

(unnamed) - mother, deceased

(unnamed) - father, deceased

Tomaso De Moretti - mentor

Brutale - guardian

Sturgis - guardian

Voice: soprano

Smells like: baby powder


Region: Isidis Basin, born; Olympus Mons, raised

Bike: Yamaha Bolt R-Spec


Favorite Color: ???


Theme song: Try Everything, Shakira 

Party role (tank, DPS, support): non-combat / support


Hobbies: sneaking out; weaving 


Good habits:

Bad habits:


