
Dailo the Mink



Dailo is a mystical mink with pale blue fur covering his muscular athletic body; his muzzle, inner ear, and abdomen are an even lighter shade of blue. His chest has an abstract tattoo across his chest. 

Dailo's eyes glow a mysterious pupiless blue, with swirling lights within them. His body as a whole emanates a glowing blue from within. This makes his blood, muscles, and organs blue, which results in a blue mouth, blue tongue, blue ears, etc. These glowing blue colors only light up living bodies, not nonliving material.

Dailo wears a grey kilt, with a white crystal on the front, over white underwear. He wears aether metallic arm guards, his left arm having a kevlar-texture layer that covers his entire arm and part of his left chest. His armored boots that he wears shows the same white crystal as his kilt, and it exposes his toes.


Dailo is part of the species known as the Planes-Walkers; His "race" being the Aether-Walkers, Dailo was born with an unbreakable connection to the Aether Plane. As such, he was most experienced with Aether energy and magic ability uses. Like the rest of his species, Dailo goes out of his way to try to purge the effects of Nether-Walkers throughout the macroverse at all costs, and often works as a guardian for the gateway to heaven. It was a simple "black and white" life of good and bad.

Other than doing those two roles, Dailo is one curious about the versatility of magic, and whenever he can find the time, he always likes testing for any more forms of magic circles to learn and use, in which he would write them down in blank paged books. If he is not doing that, he is exploring The World with his eccentric group of companions.


Dailo is a pretty calm individual who likes spending his time perfecting his mystical skills. His attitude and culture may seem odd to Material-Walkers (denizens of the physical plane), but he doesn't seem to give much care to it.

Dailo has no problem working in teams against problems, though he prefers to work through problems alone unless they're too big a problem for him to handle on his own.

Dailo loves to learn, which could easily be deducted by the amount of sketchbooks he has filled try to uncover all the techniques of magic that he possibly can.
Anything related to the Nether and Hell in general is a default dislike for Dailo, and it boils instantly into outright deadly hate for Nether-Walkers, who are essentially the equivalent of Hell squared.
Personality Strengths

Dailo has a sheer level of focus and commitment when wanting to learn new skills and accomplish new tasks, making him a very reliable ally.

Personality Flaws

Mannerisms/Notable Gestures/Ticks


Dailo's armor's main purpose is not physical protection, but metaphysical. The enchantments of the armor grants him a hefty resistance to reality-warping related abilities. He has even broken out o seals thanks to this trait.


Able to infuse extra magical energy into the staff, Dailo can not only have a larger amount of magical effects in battle, not only use them without wasting stamina, but he can also infuse enough magical energy to it that the magic is amplified due to the energy being concentrated into the staff.

When situations get dire and melee combat is needed, Dailo's staff can reconstruct itself into a sword. It loses a good portion of its stored magic and can't fire concentrated blasts of magical energy, but it is sharp enough to cleave atoms apart and designed to cut through magic barriers.


(w.i.p, powerset temporarily copied over from Dawn as they are vaguely similar)

Dailo has the most versatile power set out of the main group of protagonists, with a plethora of abilities and many more from combining them.

Being an Aether-Walker grants Dailo his three main attributes: the ability to manipulate aether energy, access and control over multiple planes of existence, and cast magic. This results in an extremely versatile set of powers.

Aether-Walker Physiology

Naturally born in the Aetherworld and basically bathing in the aether environment, which is basically the essence of not only life force but the universe, Dailos knowledge of aether energy is practically second nature. 

His blood stream is made up of an aether liquid that works similar to blood, but is not actually blood. It is made of a limitless flow of aether energy.

Truth Manipulation

The eyes of an Aether-Walker see the world differently. This allows him to overcome illusions and see the concept of truth and lie, which means being able to sense when someone is lying.

This power is potent enough even to remove forms. Dailo can create a field where attackers using any special form or transformation will have it negated, revealing their true selves.

Aether Restoration

One of the properties of Aether is the power of creation, and as such, aether naturally restores things to optimal condition. This means Dailo also obtains a slow but permanent regenerative-like property. Unlike normal regenerative abilities, this one mystically alters reality to recover his wounds, which means it repairs him both physically and metaphysically. It has even resulted in him returning into normal after accidentally turning himself into a pile of pebbles.

Dailo may also manually use this trait to heal others and repair damaged property.

Aether Might

The use of Aether maximizes one's potential, allowing Aether-Walkers access to superhuman strength and speed.

Dailo can even shoot out blasts of aether, able to control and seek his targets while in motion. Getting hit by Aether can either drain the life essence of his enemies, killing them metaphysically, or destroy them by removing the essence of creation from the victim, crumpling them apart.

Self-Pocket Dimension

Aether-Walkers have their own pocket dimension to store items at will, nullifying the need for conventional storages such as, well, pockets. Dailo's pocket dimension is the size of a small cabin.

Planes-Walker Physiology

Being a Planes-Walker, Dailo exists/can access multiple planes of existence, allowing him to have a large variety of abilities to use without the necessity of magic.

Aether-Walkers do not have a connected body, mind, and soul. Instead, they are all one and the same. This means that Dailo can physically see and interact with souls and mental imagery. This also allows Dailo can read the thoughts and minds of others, commonly using it for telepathy, as well as physically fight back against mind manipulative traits, such as mental blocks, psychic shields, etc. Dailo can also interact with the mental plane to slow down the instincts of others, effectively slowing down enemies without actually slowing them down.


Magic is the weapon for Aether-Walkers, and as the princess of the Aetherworld, Dailo is well versed in a decent skillset of it.

  • size manipulation - from increasing his allies' size to decreasing his opponents', Dailo uses this ability to make sure the enemy does not have the edge via size. His range of effectiveness is from 20% their current size to 5 times their current size.
  • elemental powers - Dailo is able to control a variety of elements: fire, water, electricity, earth, wind, ice, light, and darkness. He can combine these elements or elemental recomposition powers.
  • magic circles - his main offensive choice, he most often uses these as razors, shields, and platforms.
  • spatial distortion - Dailo can manipulate the environment around him, causing very absurd effects, such as changing the direction of gravity (for himself or for an environment), make a destination much farther/closer by changing its distance, distort the world in the shape of cubes, creating small-distance portals, etc. This tactic is mainly for the environmental advantage.
  • temporal distortion - Dailo create, launch, and control orbs of time. He can slow down time to a crawl, speed up time, stop it entirely, and even reverse it. However, his potency with his power depends on his range of effect. From his maximum area-of-effect (about a cityblock), Dailo can slow down time to about half its normal pace, but that's it. On the other hand, if he concentrates his power on one thing, like a broken glass cup for instance, his skill with time manipulation can allow him to reverse the flow of time and repair the cup.
  • antipathy - used to deflect or repel attacks back to opponents. While most commonly used against energy blasts, it may also be used for more subtle abilities, such as telekinesis or teleportation abilities.
  • imperceptibility - Dailo can change his existence to be ignored, though this causes concentration. This could be viewed as a superior version of invisibility, due to his presence being ignored rather than simply trying to mask his presence.
  • telekinesis - Dailo can use his own mind to move matter and energy around him
  • anti-magic - Viewed as transparent energy, v can create shields, lasers, and spheres of anti magic. Anti magic does absolutely no damage and phases through everything it comes in contact with unless it is something magical, in which it would instead destroy any form of magic on contact.
  • Reflection Magic - An extremely versatile ability, Dailo can access the Mirror Dimension through reflections, such as water reflections, shiny armor, and mirrors (obviously). Within this place, Dailo can possess the reflection of others, duplicate objects, deflect just about everything, imprison others within mirrors, etc.
  • Immunity Bypassing - as long as Dailo is noticeably superior to his opponent, his magical abilities can bypass the immunity defenses of others.
    • A fire-immune opponent that is noticeably weaker than Dailo can be affected by his fire spells like any other nonresistant being. If said character was around the same level of power as Dailo, Dailo's ability can only turn their immunity into resistance. If the character is noticeably superior to Dailo, this ability will not have any effect.


  • Dailo's magic saps at his energy. The more complex, potent, and/or larger the magic ability is, the more energy that is drained.
  • Higher tier magical abilities takes concentration and time.
  • Nether manipulation is the counter to Dailo's Aether manipulation, and it is also his weakness due to his Aether-Walker heritage. Simply being in hellish conditions for too long causes painful symptoms, such as vomiting burning blood, skin peeling in some areas due to the nether heat, etc.
  • Dailo's imperceptibility ability is only visual and audial. He can be noticed if he were to bump into someone, or by how he interacts with the environment. It also disappears upon violent contact, either to him or from him.
  • Unless he is controlling time at that moment, Dailo himself is not immune to the effects of time manipulation.
  • Dailo's more powerful magic relies on help in gestures and movement, whether it be as simply as finger-wagging or arm-waving. Should he be restrained from movement, Dailo will be limited to using lower tier magic.