Spark TV Head Robot



2 months, 27 days ago


Date of manufacture unknown, male judging by the design, Robot with a CRT Monitor, 180cm of height
Spark is a kind of animatronic, probably made in the early 2000s, due to the fact that it has a floppy disk drive and a USB port, no information on the manufacturer.
The operating system runs more or less on a floppy disk, since access is slow, a large part of the system is stored in its internal memory, and the boot sector is on the floppy disk, so it's not used very much. The floppy drive is on the head in the middle, below the ears.
It was supposed to be a robot that could help scientists to do experiments, other robots were built for testing, but the manufacturing cost was too high, the idea was abandoned and so were the robots, nothing was destroyed, just abandoned, the system was reverse engineered and is now open source.

Fiona ( was one of the people who worked on it the most, helping to develop the operating system and the various parts, she helped reverse engineer the operating system and make it open source.
The wheels are organic, so if Spark feels they're too worn to ride on (or a calendar tells him when to have them renewed) he can have them renewed, provided there's enough battery.
The tail also serves as a power cable, to charge the internal battery; the USB cable does the same thing, but less quickly, and is also used to transfer data if required.
His head is a cathode-ray screen, displaying its various expressions and other information during diagnostics or start-up.

On his torso, there are two bars of light on either side, the one above shows how much battery power he has left and the one below lights up orange, fading slowly when he's recharging and flashing dimly when there's not enough charge to turn him on, the lines on his arms are lit up purple, on his hands and the sides of his ears there are lightning logos and on the side of the screen there are wavy waves.

Freya and Matsuri found Spark in an abandoned laboratory, they know Fiona, so out of preference before taking Spark, they asked Fiona if they could take it and Fiona said yes and even said she'd help them refurbish it and configure everything needed for the operating system, Matsuri had everything needed in equipment for the operating system, the 3 of them refurbished the various parts and replaced the battery.

Created by me, originally created on January 8th 2024