♡ Paint ♡'s Comments

justa spectation... what the hell you promised me you'd give me paint in exchange for 5 bitcoin now you're taking offers from all these people??


ims sory please forgive me i clean your house i clean your room please take me back

Ummm hi breastie.. I'd like to invest in this artistic canine.

Oka but how much cheddar we talkin here? a lot? parmeshawn or grated chese? (kidding of course. i know you mean money. some times in movies the mafia calls it "cheddar" so i was making a little joke. we like to have fun here.)

dont care shut up give me it

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DUDE TEMPTING... you gota let me think about it cuz i do freaking like chicken not gonna lie with you...

omgg painty dog.. i will offer my whole life and more for her bc dog with paintbruhs is more imporant than ME. and i am very important. i am the presdient of the america 😡BELIVE IT

WTF BIDEN?!?! ok okjoK... we can work this out I need you to pay me tutition and you can have my Paint

i will pay ur tuition AND wsend the whole army after u. to protect u and this dog. very important 😌 such a good dogee

U HAVE A DEAL MY PRESIDENT its been an honour

aww so cute!!

omg bestie!! thank you smo uch

omg bestie!! thank you smo uch

omg bestie!! thank you smo uch

sorry my. Lizzy on the key board


THANK YOU! i love dog too

Give me paint ill literally give you my debit card

HOLD UP>>.... How much is on the debit crap?

it got over 1000 smackaroons on it (If u look at my bank statement u will see i bougt many little pet shops)

yes im seeing... lots of lps............ what in the wordld

I'll buy Paint off of you for my debit carb and my little shops

dHello.......... would u take one fire emblem bullion (LARGE) for this little dog......

okay thats TEMPTING.... will think Ab ot it .. need to fund the black eagle strike force...

oh ohohoh ohhhh yeha... with this bullion you will be able to defeat dimitri and rhea all in one dont worry about it!!!

YASSS!! i realy need that cuz my army is being slacking

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thank you!! :o