Enya Channing



1 month, 28 days ago


Enya Channing


Name Enya Channing
Called Enya
Sweetheart (Farouk)

Age 23
Gender female
Nationality The East (British in real world)
Role Soldier at the Eclipse
Alignment True Neutral?? (N/D)


  • honest
  • judgmental
  • curious
  • dependent
  • obedient
  • compassionate


  • Luminary Arts
  • Gingerbread
  • Dresses
  • necklaces
  • high ranks

Enya belongs to the resisdence called "Eclipse" and is the best match for the exchange of hosts of the Knot of the World. Enya used to belong to the Soldiers of the East (of the Architects) which she now fights against. She is a rather indecisive woman who struggles knowing what she wants and what not. Together with people of the Eclipse like Farouk, Sami and Cub she challenges Society and the so-called Sanctuary "The Knot of the World" - which is a believed deity Society (especially the Architects) use to keep the Society of the East under control. As Enya learns that the so-believed Sanctuary of the East (The Knot of the World) is a lie, she frees Farouk and commits high treason.


Enya Channing is the protagonist of the Work-In-Progress Novel "To Kill The Holy". Enya starts out as a Soldier of the East who follows every order she is given. She (is forced) to pray to the Knot of the World (which keeps darkness and pain hidden in itself and is a dangerous construct), also believing of the existence of this so-called deity.
However, when Farouk changed her reality, for the first time after so many years, Enya had the opportunity to decide for anything. She faces the dilemma of learning who she is, what she wants and what not, also what is right and what is wrong. After all, her whole life revolved around the belief that her wishes and desires do not matter.
Enya's goal is unstable in the novel and changes a lot, however, with time it gets clear that doesn't want to sacrifice herself for the greater good - she doesn't want to become the new host of the Knot of the World and fights so desperately against. Her goal underneath is also to find out what kind of person she actually is.


Despite having a noble surname and high rank in society, Enya was born into a starving and poor family. Enya has had three siblings which had died before she was born due to diseases in the dirty cities and lack of food. Her parents didn't have much time taking care of Enya due to working day at night to keep them stable, which never really worked.
However, Enya still has felt loved whenever her parents were at home with her. She also had friends in her age (who sadly have passed away due to the sickness and lack of help from the government to provide food) with them she played. Already before school, Enya discovered her interest and love for the Luminary Arts (Light Magic). However, her interest wasn't furthered and so, it remained a desperate dream for her to study the Luminary Arts.
Then events took a turn.
Money got less and less, to the point where Enya's parents offered to sell Enya. This was the first time her world has fallen apart and her trust shattered. Despite begging to stay with her parents, they selled her to a family in the upper middle class to serve as a maid at the age of 8. There, her original surname got changed to "Channing". From now on, she worked as a maid and in exchange could go to school, had food and a secure place to sleep. Although she actually has later been adopted by her new family, Enya has never encountered these feelings of family. She may have been allowed to eat at the same table as them and talk casually with them, but her adopted parents did not want her to talk to their son. Enya also has not encountered parental love of them.
Despite her difficult life, she also met her best friend, Aashi, who worked in the flower shop of her adopted parents. Both of them immediately got along well with similar dream to study the luminary arts.

As she grew up, Enya planned on pursuing her dream of going to university to study Luminary Arts. It was her passion, the thing that meant most to her. Aashi meanwhile now wanted to become a soldier, wanted to fight for the East and help advancing the technology. At the meeting with the Architect (The ruler of the East who decides the future profession in special cases), Enya made her case clear. However, the current Architect back then (Kemal) told her to become a soldier based on her physical build. When she had talked back, Enya was hit by him and told to obey. This was the day she realized her wishes, dreams and desires do not matter. Since then, Enya respects authority and does as she is told and lost her own sense of self. Her dream of the Luminary Arts was put down. Aashi was sorted as student of Luminary Arts meanwhile.


As Enya gets the order to eliminate a member of the Eclipse, she gets kicked off the sky plane by her enemy. However, he grabs her hand, rescuing her and by that constructing Enya a new truth. Enya discovers that the Knot of the World was a lie. That the construct she has to protect with her life was not what it was a all. Enya captures Farouk nontheless.
However, she now has to deal with the new reality, she new information she has now, and is now being forced to decide whether to believe her government or her enemy with the mechanical arm. As time passes, Enya starts talking to Farouk (her enemy), to figure out more. Even though Luella - her commander - tells her to be cautios, Enya is desperate to know more and things start to make more and more sense to her.
Despite always thinking she cannot control the outcome of her life anyway, she decides to take the offer Farouk has given her: Help him escape and she will learn why Enya is fighting at the wrong side and join him.
THis debunks her flawed belief she cannot change her own life, but is not ready to see it yet.


After Enya was recruited, she has trouble adjusting. Not having any memories from the life at her biological parents, living at the underground is difficult to her. At the Eclipse, Enya is introduced to the small circle of friends. Slowly, Enya adjusts to her new life and also spending a lot of time with Farouk who even shares his already little food with her. Together they seek out mechanical help with the Eclipse after Farouk's mechanical arm has a malfunction. As Enya learns more about the Knot of the World, she also learns more about Farouk. When Farouk asks Enya to stay at the door when he changed his clothes, Cub rushes into to tell him Sami will return soon. In this moment, Enya gets an accidental look on Farouk's back - and the big branding scar he tries to hide.
Despite this, Enya gets close with Farouk. When Sami returns, he cannot stand her and lets Enya know which leads to her obeying his commands. As the restitance goes more and more into preparation for battle and they are close to lose the support of Maeve (the Emperess of the North), the Eclipse's goal of exchanging the host of the Knot gets more and more real.

However, Enya's friendship with Farouk turns into romantic feelings. Enya is aware that her feelings are mutual and gets especially clear when Farouk risks to get caught just to get Enya a necklace and gingerbread she loves. The more they spend time together, the more Enya feels comfortable telling Farouk about her trauma. Enya learns more about Farouk's scar on his back, while he learns about her fallen dreams of Luminary Arts. Their feelings deepen and when they want to kiss, Farouks back away, leaving Enya confused but realizes Farouk is not ready yet - for whatever reason.

However, as the conflict between the Eclipse and the Architect and the Knot of the World progresses, Enya and the others are getting involved into a battle with Cahal, the current Architect. In this fight, Cahal reveals Farouk's identity of being the past Architect - Kemal, who has been believed dead and had killed innocent infants and dogs. This day, Enya's world falls apart a second time by realizing, the man who she has fallen in love with was the same who had made her life that miserable in the first life. The same man who had snatched her dreams away from her.
Deeply hurt, Enya tells Farouk to not come any closer - despite him pleading to her. Enya takes the offer from Cahal and is aware of her doing a decision after such a long time and joins with Cahal and leaves the Eclipse.


After joining with Cahal and being on the side of the East once again - the way she had started out - Enya did not return back to her role as soldier. Moreover Enya gets treated like a person of high-rank. She eats well, can bath again and wear good clothing again. Enya helps Cahal developing plans against the Eclipse and also Maeve, who is now threatening to destroy both, the Eclipse and the East. Togehter they manage to trap Maeve and therefore fully cut off the food supply of the Eclipse and starving them out.
As Enya seems to build a relationship with Cahal by often talking to him, discussing Farouk's past and her own, she also gets more and more uncomfortable. When she restores information about the Knot of the World and its host system in secret, she thinks about how this will benefit the Eclipse. Though, she is not a member of them anymore.
It did not go well for too long to capture Maeve. She manages to escape and Enya slowly realisizes that she does not want to be on Cahal's side. Every night she experiences nightmares about the starving people at the Eclipse and how Cahal seems to only care about his reputition.
The day of battle comes. Maeve and The Knot of the World grow more insane and powerful. However, as battle progresses, Maeve dominates it, forcing Enya down with the power of the knot and puts Cahal as target if he dares to disturb. Most of the Eclipse is knocked out, too.
Events take a turn when Maeve wants Enya to watch her murdering Farouk. To show her how it is to live in misery. Despite being actually on the side of the East, Enya manages to free herself. She has enough and does not want to keep the lie of the Knot of the World alive anymore. Enya uses Cahal's hand - which have been holding a long knife - to direct them into Maeve and killing her by her and Cahal's hand. Farouk is injured in the process. By this act, Enya couldnt stop the fuiling of power Maeve did with the Knot of the World, however. But Cahal being forced to kill his own sister he tried to save marks the line of Enya's rejection of the East.


After Maeve's death, Enya and Farouk get captured by Cahal and sedated by a drug injected into their neck. At Cahal's residence - now the residence of an enemy - Enya gets tortured. She get's branded with light on her stomach and lower abdomen by Cahal. Enya's autonomy is stripped away by the light brandmark causing infertility which later messes with her a lot. After being put back into her prison cell, she fully reunites with Farouk after the reveal of his identity. Despite the complicated feelings toward Farouk, she tells Farouk what happened and he comforts her. Enya deeply grieves the fact she never could even think of getting children or not. Due to her busy life, Enya didn't have much room for this thought and wanted to decide when she got into a relationship. Now, that this possibility was forcefully taken from her, causes a deep wound.
Enya and Farouk spend quite some time togehter in the prison cell. There, forced to wear bomb belts and dine with Cahal, they talk about everything that had happened. Farouk tells her he doesn't want Enya to forgive them. But Enya realises that the only thing Farouk had been honest about was his love.

Enya and Farouk manage to escape due to the help of Cub and Sami and the others of the Eclipse. In preparation of the final battle, Enya gets blamed and scolded by Cub for everything that had happened since she'd joined the Architect's side and helped Cahal. Enya knows this is the consequence of her action. However, since Enya now has a vision on how she wants her life and future to be (and who should be in it), she makes clear she will not sacrifice herself and will not become the new host, even though it would benefit the mission of the Eclipse.
After the Knot of the World has consumed the East and Maeve (The wife of the host of the Knot) has been killed, the East is barely recognizable anymore, especially with the destroyed land. Farouk, Enya and the rest of the Eclipse gather their strength one last time to challenge Society. While Enya goes to challenge Fedora (the host of the Knot of the World), Farouk battles Cahal.
There, Fedora wants to consume her as the new host, as a full exchange. After Fedora has consumed Sami and strenghtened her powers, Enya has one last chance to put an end to this. Fedora lulls Enya into the Knot fo the World, letting her relive all the painful memories she has experienced. Letting her only see Farouk's betrayal and dishonesty, Sami's death and her failed dream.
Howafter, The necklace Farouk had gifted her fell to her feet in this very moment, snatching her back to reality and lets Enya realize what matters - and how she matters. How her existence has changed the lives of her friends. ANd so, she fully snatches back into reality with the goal to not turn into the next host and kills Fedora's half-deceased body inside the Knot of the World. After this, Cahal tries to kill her but Farouk jumps between them, letting his luminary art destroy Farouk's mechanical arm (which he cared most about) in order to save her life. However, Cahal managed to escape.

After the Battle and a couple of losses, Farouk and Enya spend one last evening together, discussing everything that had happened. Enya makes clear she will not kiss Farouk until he has tried his best to redeem himself as his past as Architect as best as he could.
Enya wakes up with Farouk being gone, only a note left behind he will return after he has redeemed himself. She accepts this with a heavy heart, knowing it is for the better. While Society is collapsed and now they need to make space for the forming democracy, Enya decides to put her name on the events that happened for everybody in the world to know that she belong to the Eclipse. The Eclipse, who had - in the Eyes of Society - destroyened their Sanctuary and the Architects. With her final decision, she now fully knows what her purpose and goal is. By that, she gets blacklisted and is never allowed to set foot into the universities of the Luminary Arts in other parts of the world.
(OFF-PAGE) Fifteen years later, Enya controls the borders of Greypoint (Capital City). But when she saw Farouk - looking different but it was still him - and she knew he'd redeemed himself, she reunited with him. After fifteen years, it was their first kiss.


  • Her physicial traits tend to be more masculine with a strong jawline, more masculine build and small chest.
  • Her Moon-Necklace was a gift from Farouk since he didn't want to tattoo herself.
  • Her hair is not symetrical due to Enya not knowing what she wants.
  • Enya is easily grossed out, despite being used to the life of a soldier. Hence why she was disgusted to learn that the Eclipse had no real toilets ... and eat rats and spiders.
  • Her turqoise hair strands are artifical by manipulating the photons of her hair to get this color.



Farouk [ Boyfriend ]

Her boyfriend and the person who made her realize that she can have a say on how her life plays out and that her own desires and wishes actually matter - no matter what other people may say, believe and expect of her.
Enya enjoys letting him talk about the most random things. In every conversation, she learns something new and interesting. Farouk is the only one she can talk about Luminary Arts in a way others would percieve as "childish", without ever being judged or told to shut up. In his presence, Enya feels loved - something she hasn't expierenced for a long time. Especially at night, Enya is up together with Farouk, talking about life and the beauty of things, such as the moon. Enya listens to Farouk telling her things despite already knowing this specific information. Together, they cuddle to keep each other warm.
However, Enya never pushes Farouk to talk. She knows when something is up but if he rejects any talks, she does not force him to. After the reveal of his identity, Enya's trust broke. Since Honesty is the most precious virtue to her, all her trust and love (or at least she tried to) was gone.
Despite all the conflicts that were between them, they care about each other deeply. Farouk had shown Enya how to be human again and showed her that her existence in someone's life changes worlds. This gets especially clear since Farouk would still run away from his past if Enya hasn't been in his life. If she hadn't encouraged him to change. If she hadn't shown him to be loved. And if Farouk hasn't been in her life, Enya would still obey without question, seeing her life as nothing but a shelter for the Knot of the World. She wouldn't know that she has an impact on people. That her dreams could be a reality. That she mattered.
However, due to Enya's wish for Farouk to redeem himself the best as he can, they never kiss.


Sami [ friend ]

to be told ...


Maeve [ enemy ]

to be told ...


Luella [ Ex-Commander ]

to be told ...


Aashi [ Best Friend ]

to be told ...

Notice: This character's story is a WIP and information may be incomplete or change.