
3 months, 17 days ago


General Information

First name: Mio 

Surname: Asahara

Age: 21

Date of birth: May 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unlabeled

Current residence: An apartment above the “Ashahara Tailoring” Store.

Relationship status: Single… for now

Social status: Former high class, now middle class.

Traits of Voice

Accent (if any): Speaks  posher than most because of his affluent background. 

Style of speaking: He often speaks sarcastically.

Volume of voice: Mumbles quite a bit, but other than that normal.

Physical Appearence

Height: 5’8

Weight: 130 lbs

Eye colour: Red

Skin colour: Tan

Shape of face: Round

Distinguishing features: His left eye is sealed shut, he can’t open it because of the incident that happens after his family went downhill. 

Build of body: Ectomorph

Hair colour: Grayish white

Hair style: Choppy bangs, longer over his left eye. A low bun in the back held by some pins.

Complexion: Clear skin

Posture: Dignified

Tattoos: N/A

Piercings: N/A

Is seen by others as: A fallen member of a once affluent family, a family disappointment. 


Likes: Sewing, tailoring for people, silk fabrics, cats, mandolin music, laughing at people, expensive items of clothing

Dislikes: being laughed at, smelling bad, annoying people, 

Fears: people blaming him for the fall of his family 

Personal goals: to make his own life not associated w his family

General attitude: tell things how they are, and love life with lots of flare. 

Religious values: n/a

General intelligence: he’s pretty smart, sometimes he doesn’t feel like being smart though

General sociability: Mio is pretty good on putting on false appearances that he likes someone, which puts him higher on the social ladder. 

Personality: Mio is very sassy and doesn’t care about other people’s feelings. At least that what’s he wants you to think. He enjoys teasing people and always has a sly comeback to give to people. He’s a flirt. Mio doesn’t care about being too bossy, because he believes his opinion is the right way to go. Mio is very creative and talented when it comes to sewing. He’s also a good business man, being able to put on a great salesperson facade. Speaking of facades, Mio can be two faced sometimes, acting really nice to a customer when he doesn’t like them at all. He’s very divinities in his speech, sort of formal.


Illnesses (if any): N/A

Allergies (if any): N/A

Sleeping habits: he often stays up late working on making clothing, though he does like going to bed early when possible

Energy level: depends on his workload

Eating habits: mio tends to eat a lot of vegetables and skips out on the meat, he wouldn’t consider himself vegetarian, it’s just his preference. 

Memory: pretty good

Any unhealthy habits: being two faced i suppose


Birth country: western region of ostarria

Childhood: When he was a child, Mio’s family situation was concealed by assuring him of a false sense of financial security and that their wealth of permanent and immovable. He enjoyed lavish dinners with his family, respect from the townspeople and children and more. It was around when Mio was 10-12 when things started to get more suspicious, because Mio’s parents never went to work yet they had all this wealth. Mio discovered when he was twelve the bad spending habits of his parents, and how they were millions of dollars in debt. Mio was shocked, because his childhood was based upon a lie. His reputation with the town also plummeted along with his parents, the wealthiest family in the town was outed for being scoundrels.

Teen years: During his teen years, Mio had to deal with harsh repercussions of the fall of the elaborate lie his parents wove together. The children at school didn’t associate with him, so Mio spent his free time embracing his creative side and creating elaborate quilts and clothing. He started his own business on the side. But his parents financial situation didn’t get any better. As a last resort, his mom and dad decided to spring an unexpected flash of news to Mio, that he was in an arranged marriage with a nearby wealthy family’s daughter. Mio was appalled at this, fiercely denying the arrangement. His parents became angry at him, asking what else could they do to shovel away their millions of dollars in debt? Mio had a risky and foolish suggestion, so he didn’t even mention it to his parents. There was a well known legend in the village, that if you sacrifice something that could be of use the “Faceless God” and left it at the shrine, the faceless god would grant your wish. Mio, being a foolish and desperate teenager decided the go through with the plan. Mio got a infamous magician in the village to come with him to the shrine of the faceless god, and mio prayed and asked what the god lacked. the god responded asking for míos left eye. mio asked the magician to do a transferring spell to transfer his eye to the statue. The magician did this, leaving Mio in pain after the process yet determined. The magician assured him he didn’t need to see a doctor, it was perfectly harmless. After a few days, Mio came back from his journey and told his parents what he had done. Mio’s parents were appalled and ashamed of their son, but he could tell they were also a bit hopeful. 

Adult years: After Mio ended school, he expected some amazing miracle to happen. for his parents debts to be washed away because of his sacrifice. Yet nothing happened, his parents debts stayed the same, and his blindness in his left eye stayed the same. Mio wallowed in his shame, and felt hopeless. But Mio was the sort of person who didn’t like wallowing in his misery, so he decided to use his current talents of sewing and turn over a new leaf. Mio decided to open up a tailoring shop in one of the bigger cities in the South of Ostarria, where nobody knew of the disaster that happened to his family or him. He could be purely himself. His small business started to grow, and before he knew it he was one of the best tailors in the city. Mio also got introduced to the main friend group of the Ostarria sorry, including Kit, Xuan, Everett, and Lian and Jian. Mio goes on adventures with them and is happy about his new life. 

Past places of residence: The grand estate that his family “owned”