Lobelia Avriett



3 months, 5 days ago


  • im thinkin that this super rich douchebag of a family offered to pay off the parent's debt if they allowed them to have Bel. thinkin maybe either the mother couldn't conceive and didn't want anyone to know or they just. saw something in Bel that they were like "ay, i want that." could be more tragic. maybe they lost a kid and Bel just happened to resemble them or they just wanted her as a replacement babbey or something idk i think this could determine whether Bel and Shay grew up together or not. cuz on one hand the family could have bought Bel when she was a baby. so if its the twin route, Bel and Shay don't know the other exists. or Bel and Shay shared a childhood (etiher as twins or one being older than the other), but Shay witnessed Bel getting sold off and being taken away, traumatizing both fasho. ill let u pick either way, Bel grows up in luxury, tended to by everyone and never really allowed to do anything on her own.  they were always treated like a child, or a doll. She wasn't allowed to go outside to play with other kids, or anyone really. she was only allowed to sit and be quiet.  observing, unmoving like a figurine. thinking that at some point Bel tried to resist the family's expectations but it lead to her getting beaten in secret by the dad anytime she spoke, so she's become mute, which pleases the mom's fantasy of having her as an "perfect" daughter.
  • [11:26 PM]
    The family loved Bel's youthful beauty so much that they wanted to "preserve" it. When Bel started to hit puberty, they had her undergo top surgery and began to feed her less so she'd maintain a neutral, child-like figure. this resulted in Bel looking younger than they are but also looking kinda sickly. the fact that she doesnt go outside at all doesn't really help the already pale complexion, she quite literally looks like a storybook vampire. pasty ass mf at some point, Bel was starved to the brink of withering, so in a hunger frenzy she attacked the parents and  the staff. Realizing what she's done, she kinda...stays in their mansion a bit before she starts to fight starvation again. idk if the gang would roll up in the town shes in or they just. find her passed out somewhere but ye. homegirl is not having a good time. having grown up in such a strict but pampered household,  Bel doesn't know how to do basic things like. cooking or cleaning.  just expects things to be done for her because that's how its always been, so she can come off as spoiled or conceited. Despite that, she doesn't really know what she likes as she wasnt allowed to do anything. she can speak and understand language but her writing and reading skills are very very poor, so it just pushes her to remain mute most of the time.  Very jumpy and immediately panics when someone displays aggressiveness, even if it isnt towards her.