Spider Lily Phoenix Lapis



3 months, 9 hours ago


Spider Lily Phoenix Lapis



Gem Placement

Left Shoulder

Era Made

Era 3


Diamond's Aide



MoHs Scale

5 - 6


Got for Free

A delightful Lapis with unique colorations and an interesting origin. Phoenix is one of the few creations of Mad Spider Lily Zircon, a Zircon who began to create gems in her image with traits of the Spider Lily flower. Phoenix was the first of these creations, hence her more colorful and messy form compared to her “siblings”. Outside of her origins, her abilities as a terraformer go unmatched, being able to control both water and fire with ease. Phoenix is one of the few terraformers who is a member of the Sunrise Court, and in fact, she is Orange Sunrise Diamond’s personal terraformer, doing everything her Diamond may need. SOmetimes she’ll entertain her diamond with water and fire shows or she’ll even act as an executioner during trials. Her job varies so much it isn’t even fair to call her a terraformer, more of a jack of all trades worker, with the downside that she is the master of none.

Not everyone has to be perfect to do important things.

- Spider Lily Phoenix Lapis

The Sunrise Court


  • She has a great relationship with the Zircon who created her, often going to visit her in her messy lab and clean up there every so often and chat.
  • Using both water and fire at the same time does put strain on Phoenix’s gemstone, but she’s learned to quickly switch between the two which works just as well.
  • The ribbon around her waist actually has a practical use in that she can move the ends around like a second set of hands.
  • Sadly, she gets a lot of judgment for her origins and many gems talk behind her back about how they don’t think she is deserving of being a Diamond personal gem.