mansanas sana niwano



2 months, 6 days ago


he/him, 24, 5'7", enigma bard for p2e: season of ghosts. Sana is an elf-nagaji resident of willowshore that lives with his father and grandmother. also works for their carpentering and tinkering business. is the nice boy next door and your average, polite, superstitious resident. has an interest in monsters and cryptids, though pretends to be normal about it (he's not).

was pulled into the events of season of ghosts all to his dismay, as he just wants his hometown to go back to normal and stop having all these bizarre and distressful occurrences. has no idea he's gonna be here for a year-long campaign.

is absolutely smitten with a nagaji dancer named Liwliwa, a sly and beautiful woman who has recently moved to willowshore and started funding the local theatre. Sana does not know she is secretly a manananggal in disguise, being a beautiful dancer by day and eating willowshore's residents by night. Liwliwa recognizes how attracted Sana is to her, so she uses him as a pawn and alibi to maintain her innocent demeanor. in exchange for using him in this manner and for him serenading her with music, she offers him her own theatrical secrets. she has recently gifted Sana an unusual scroll of music. while he is thankful for this gift and practices it right away, little does he know that he has just sold a piece of his soul away to gain the profane art of shadow magic.