baht YCH [RETIRED]'s Comments

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sure! will be $8 because of design

send to [email protected]

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sure! send $6 to [email protected]

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would this character be ok? if so i would like to offer art. a chibi like this . tat about a week, maybe less. we've done a trade b4 but i also totally understand if you decline. id like to know if you decline please and ty

just right now im a bit swamped with art and work so really only looking to accept usd offers just at the moment sorry

really busy week

no worries, i totally get it. have a good day!

Could I grab one for my wolf Matt please? Reference plus one artwork because the ref is very old >.>

do they have a TH? i only really do comms of OCs who have profiles on TH

Not as of now, I'm primarily on FA.

ok dokie. im only really comfortable drawing ocs with profiles on TH

Alright then :( I understand.

sure! will be $6 for spidermutt and nightshade will be $7 because of thr gradient to work with


adding to queue

This is so cute! Could I get one of

sorry birds are outside my comfort zone and dont really fit this ych

Oh I see my bad, would Work?

yep should work! send $6 to [email protected]

Money should've just sent!

adding to queue

Ahhh could I perchance get one of Pebbles? x3

sure! send $6 to [email protected]

Sent! Thank you so much! :D

yep! send $6 over to [email protected]


adding to queue


Bwomp :3

will be $7 because of markings. send over to [email protected]

Hiya, could I please get one of them ?

sure! send $6 over to [email protected]

It's done :)

got it! ill get onto it very soon

sure! will be $9 each because of markings

send over to [email protected]


Omg I could actually cry you made my boy look so cute doing the very thing he hates ;-; Thank you so much

can i be pinged when they open back up please?

Oh my god thai currency jumpscare I was like??? Huh ??? 

oh no

i was wondering if i could get one of my IC?

sure can! will be $10 because of the hat and markings

send over to [email protected]

payment sent!

Hello!! I'd really love to get one of these for my fursona!

I can offer 2 icons and 2 headshots like the ones shown in the IC. The IC contains all of examples which are sorted in the tabs.

As for the character I want to be drawn -

He has some important things that need to be added - his gauges, snakebites and septum piercing. (These are a key elements that make him who he is.)

As for communication I have discord, instagram and Twitter we can talk thru and for me to send you updates and the sketches for approval. I work relatively fast when it comes to icons and headshots so all of the art I offered should take no longer then 2-3 days. (I'll be working on art today, this weekand + monday.)

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sure can! send $8 to [email protected]

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Could I grab one with this guy please?

He's based on my dog and I give him baths every 6-ish weeks so this was perfect XD

If you don't feel comfortable doing that character I can pick another one ^^

can do them! will be $10 because of markings

send over to [email protected]

Just sent it over ^^ Thank yoooou

Would grimace cost extra?  Grimace on Toyhouse

sure can! will be $10 because of their design

send over to [email protected]

sent now! ignore my dead name please =)

Could I get one of ? 

sure can! send $8 to [email protected]

Should be sent:)